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谁能给我Ldy Lickem的i'd cross the dessert准确歌词啊?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-02 12:13



热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 18:15

歌曲:I'd cross the dessert
歌手:Ldy Lickem

I'd cross the desert to be where you are
All the things I'd do to be close to you
A million miles wouldn't seem that far
I'd go anywhere just to win your heart

Baby, A thousand miles wouldn't mean A thing/
Even if it meant to cross the World in the pourin' rain/
Remember When I said that you's my ride or die?/
Even if I promise 'til the day that I Die /
Just to cross the desert for you I'm gonna survive/
Just to be with you And win your heart is all I'm askin' for/
Don't need money for rides, I'll crawl On my knees/
Not just the desert, I'll Even swim overseas /
It won't matter if I get blisters on my feet/
You're my Other half, I need you to be complete/
Days or years, It won't even matter to Me/
as long as I have you, Damn baby, I'll be happy/
No need for the guys Around my area/
They ain't like you, They ain't nothin' compared to you/
So whenever you need me / Just dial
Up the digits/
You know where to Reach me, I'll be there in a jiffy

I'd cross the desert to be where you are
All the things I'd do to be close to you
A million miles wouldn't seem that far
I'd go anywhere just to win your heart

i see you but i cant touch u
i feel how u feel but i cant hold u
day nd nite differnet time zone
everytime i hear ur voice over the phone
ur sexy voice had just made my heart warm
i would turn my life upsite down just to see u around
wrap me up in ur big strong arms
please keep waiting for 4 yrs then i ll come
i know things are hard and i miss u much
and i aint give a shit
bout what other people's thoughts
put some trust with love we could bake a thing called no doubt
even with distance the love will sprout
there are seas and deserts that keep us apart
but i would cross both of them if thats what it takes
piece of cake
dont change ur mind dont move away
so baby stay where u are cuz i am on my way

I'd cross the desert to be where you are
All the things I'd do to be close to you
A million miles wouldn't seem that far
I'd go anywhere just to win your heart

sometimes we argue sometimes we fight
sometimes i think that i m always right
but im here to apolygize
sorry bout all the mean things i said 2 u and u were right
ur my life
i wanna be ur wife
ima get a pen nd paper and sign your name on it
and then that says u are mine
promise never ever forever us wont get hurt
then we ll be alright

无法抱着你 却可以在心里感受到 你的体温
周围的人 对我们都带着疑问
或许是我固执 也或许是我对这份感情认真
两颗心连在一起 有你有我
my whole world 不再寂寞

I'd cross the desert to be where you are
All the things I'd do to be close to you
A million miles wouldn't seem that far
I'd go anywhere just to win your heart追问抱歉。。。我问题貌似问错了,这个歌词是混音版的。。。我要原版歌词。。。

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