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高二英语作文以"first aid for seizures"为题

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-02 12:27



热心网友 时间:2024-06-21 07:07

First Aid for Seizures
(Convulsions,generalized tonic-clonic,grand mal)
Cushion head Loosen tight neckwear
Turn on side Nothing in mouth
Look for I.D.Don’ t hold down
As seizure ends ….offer help
Not all types of seizures(痉挛) require first aid.In many cases all the person needs is emotional support and reassurance.This guide is designed to assist you with generalized tonic-clonic seizures (grand mal/convulsive (全面性强直阵挛大发作)We urge you to visit more detailed web sites or contact us for complete information regarding first aid for all types of seizures.
Although most seizures end naturally and without the need for emergency treatment,a seizure in someone that not been diagnosed with epilepsy(癫痫症)/seizure disorder could be a sign of serious illness.Call medical assistance if :
the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes.
No epilepsy/seizure disorder I.D.visible.
slow recovery,a second seizure or difficulty breathing afterwards.
any signs of injury of sickness
Some things to avoid
DO NOT restrain(抑制)a person’s movement in any way,except to prevent injury from a possible accident.
DO NOT put any hard object between the teeth or in the mouth(the tongue cannot be swallowed).
DO NOT attempt to give the person liquids during or at the immediate conclusion of a seizure.
DO NOT give artificial respiration(人工呼吸)or oxygen during a seizure.However,if normal breathing does not get back at the end of the seizure artificial respiration should be started.
NO NOT shout at the person or expect response to a verbal (口头)command.
DO be helpful and reassuring.
A special note to parents and teachers
Non-convulsive seizures,such as staring spells,day dreaming or lack of attentiveness can easily be overlooked in children.Symptoms of non-convulsive seizures include loss of awareness for a few seconds,staring and blinking or twitching (抽搐) of the eyelids,Many children diagnosed with ADD\ADHD are misdiagnosed and may have partial seizures.
Again,we encourage you to visit our linked sites,or contact us to gain assistance with further and complete information.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-21 07:06

Myocardial infarction, acute exacerbation of bed rest should be as little as possible moving the patient. Irritability may serve stability and other sedatives, but not much water, should be fasting. Loosen collar buckle, belt, conditional oxygen, keep warm. If the patient has a pulse suddenly disappeared, it should be immediately closed chest cardiac massage and artificial respiration, and can not be half-way stop, shall continue to be sent to hospital afterwards.
If the person at the time of a heart attack can control the time and intensity of coughing, the human heart will be like a pump to function, the blood pressure to the brain and other body organs, play a role in mitigation, thereby valuable time for the patient, helps keep patient conscious, and even restore effective heartbeat to a certain extent. People should burst every 1-2 seconds a sound cough, cough after 5 sound may pause. However, high blood pressure or cerebrovascular disease physician who suspected it would be inappropriate to do so. If it is found the patient weak pulse, cold limbs, suggesting that shock may occur, the patient should gently flat on the bed, pillow, in order to increase blood flow. Patient sublingual nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, or Su Pill and other drugs. Indoor keep quiet, must not cry cry, so as not to stimulate the patient worse, at the same time, immediately contact the emergency center. While waiting for the ambulance, if failure occurs, hold breath, vomit a lot of pink frothy sputum and obese patients, the first low-foot high will increase the chest, can only help the patient semi-recumbent position or sitting position.
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