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moumoon的 Do you remember?的英文版歌词 要LRC格式的 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 21:23



热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 02:17

[ti:Do You Remember?]
[al:Do You Remember?]
[00:01.01]Do you remember?
[00:02.33]恋がはじまった 帰り道は
[00:06.95]ちっぽけな わたしの手を
[00:13.07]I remember
[00:49.62]And I will always be your girl
[00:55.71]When you ain't around me baby, all think about is you
[01:00.38]いつだって そう 想っているから
[01:07.97]When you ain't around me, all care about is you
[01:18.73]Do you remember?
[01:24.84]もう一度 会えることを
[01:31.02]I remember
[01:32.51]あの日 その手に触れて想った
[01:41.32]きみのとなりを あるきたい
[02:13.75]When you ain't around me baby, all I think about is you
[02:18.26]すべてを そう 捧げられるから
[02:25.96]When you ain't around me, all care about is you
[02:40.50]Everytime Everywhere
[02:45.10]When I am with you yeah
[02:48.28]Anything goes
[02:49.73]I hated this world
[02:51.19]You changed my life
[02:52.69]To love this world
[02:54.25]You get me yeah
[02:56.20]Oh you are my saviour
[03:08.78]“忘却 の生き物”だ
[03:42.44]Do you remember?
[03:43.94]恋がはじまった あの季节は
[03:48.51]ちっぽけな わたしの手を
[03:54.66]I remember
[04:04.94]単纯 なこと
[04:06.82]Do you remember?
[04:08.34]息をするのと 同じくらいに
[04:12.94]そばに居て あたりまえで
[04:19.09]I believe in you
[04:29.40]この温もりの 永远を
[04:37.44]I'll always be your girl
[04:43.59]I'll always be there…

热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 02:13

Do you remember?
That beautiful day
You and me
Fell in love
You took my hand
And it felt so warm
In chilly skies of hope
I remember
Do you feel the same?
I wanna feel you next to me
Forever, I believe
All I need is your love
I'll give you my heart

Sometimes love makes me cry
When you've gone away
Please don't make me feel alone
I will do anything for you
You know. I will always be your girl
Cause, I will always be your friend

When you aren't around me baby all I think about is you
I can't find the way to get you out of my mind boy
When you aren't around me all I care about is you
And you know I miss you everyday more and more
Do you remember?
When I came to know
That we're so meant to be
The only thing I could do was to pray
That I would see you again
I remember
When I touch your hand
I can feel you close to me
Forever, I believe
All I need is your love
I give you my heart

Sometimes you are so brave

And oh, so fragile
I won't make you feel alone
If no one tries to understand
You know I'll always be your side
Cause I will always be your friend

When you aren't around me baby all I think about is you
I can't find the way to get you out of mind boy yeah
When you aren't around me all I care about is you
I feel strong when are together If scares me oh

Every time, everywhere
When I'm with you
Anythiing goes
I hated this world
You changed my life
To love this world
You gave me light
You're my savior, Ah
People make a lot of promises
And how many of them are kept?
Cause' we always forget the important things

I don't wanna break them anymore
The days you made me smile
The days we walked hand in hand

Memories never fade away
I can't live a day without you
And you're my everything to me Ah

Do you remember?
That beautiful day
You and me
Fell in love
You took my hand
And it felt so warm
In chilly skies of hope
I remember
Do you feel the same?
I wanna feel you next to me
Forever, I believe
All I want is your love
Do you remember?
When I came to know
That we're so meant to be
The only thing I could do was to pray
That I would see you again
I remember
When I touch your hand
I can feel you close to me
Forever, I believe
All I need is your love
I give you my heart

I will always be your girl
I will always be there..
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