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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 16:02



热心网友 时间:2024-07-06 22:13

Today.my parents took me to the park.first.I went to the lake for a cruise.then I went to the carousel and finally I ate fruits.
a very happy day.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-06 22:13


热心网友 时间:2024-07-06 22:13

今天爸爸妈妈带我去游乐场玩了,坐了摩天轮,还玩了过山车. Today, my parents took me to the amusement park, took the ferris wheel, and also played the roller coaster

a very happy day.


i was very happy


1.Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house.I played with my cousin.Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest.“that’s a good idea.” I said.Then we prepared for the traveling.After lunch,the sky turned dark.After that ,it rained heavily....


Last weekend,all students in my class went to the park.It was sunny that day.The park was full of kinds of flowers.In the morning,some of my classmates sang,danced,and some played valleyball.Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree.After lunch,we went boating and climbin...


I think, think of now study hard, to help my mother do housework, grew up I was ready to take mom she wanted to go, let mother roam the world, to go on vacation to Hawaii, to go to see the pyramids of Egypt, to Europe to see the Eiffel Tower... I also want to ...


“因为今天是星期天,他的假日。”妈妈正说着的时候,不一会儿,爸爸就回来了,并且再一次上床睡觉了——因为他太累了。你瞧,多么有趣的家庭!我希望你也有一个像Beijing I love there The summer Places is to beautiful and we went to Wangfujing though there are lots of people in there and...

国庆节快到了, 你打算和你的家人去哪游玩?求一篇八十字中学生英语作文...



Last Saturday, my parents and I went to the Great Wall. In the morning we took a bus there and we took some food and drinks with us. When we walked on the Great Wall, I thought about the long history of the Great Wall and dad told me the story about the Great Wall. ...

...人教版英语作文,my parents(我的父母亲)爸爸妈妈都是worker家庭很和...

1.I is a happy girl .My family is very happy! I love my parents!My father is a wark . He like bright tea. play football and baskeball .He can not swim dance . He is very big fat pig!My mother is wark too. She is fat too. She like dog cat and smart clothes ....


This summer holiday I will have a wonderful vacation time with my friends. We are starting our trip in five days as we will go to Yunnan for sightseeing.It seems will be a good place for us to visit because there are many thing that can interested us. Hoping we will have ...

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