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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-14 19:03



热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 07:34

动物吃植物是食物链上的正常顺序。但是大自然总是喜欢弄点例外出来。可能是为了平衡一下植物们被动物吃的宿命,几种专门捕食动物的植物就被创造出来。the pitcher plant of borneo and of tropical asia, which has a back-up lure in place should the first fail, is the most notorious of the trio. this plant exudes the scent of sweet nectar that most insects find appealing, and when one approaches to investigate, it finds an equally attractive pitcher-shaped plant with a red-hued rim and cover. once the insect steps over the rim to drink from the plant, it loses its footing on the smooth interior, slides to the bottom of the abyss, and lands in a pool of liquid, which digests the victim once it has drowned.the sundew plant, aptly named for the sticky fluid on the upper part of each leaf that appears to the insect to be dewdrops, packages its victim before digesting it. small, hair-like projections, which cover the surface of each leaf, are responsible for the sticky fluid on each leaf that lures the insect to the plant. once the insect touches one of these "hairs," it is stuck, and the other hairs on the upper side of the leaf bend inward towards the center of the leaf, to wrap it in a neat, tight package, thus ensuring that it will stay for dinner. the "dew," which for the insect turned out to be a don't, digests it over the course of two days, after which the crafty hairs reopen for business.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 07:34


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