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英语翻译, 用作口语面试的,请专业一点的进,很简单的

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-14 17:53



热心网友 时间:2024-06-03 10:29

1 We share the same name
2 My friends are always saying that I am born to learn computers.Joking.I agree with them.
3 I passed 4 four exams in XX days and get my driving lisence as expected.Althou it was hot and I was sunburned, I got what I should get.
4 I had always been reading about computers from then on.
5 I have 2 years of office experience.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-03 10:35

1 We share the same name with him.
2 My friends always tell me that I was born to be talented in computers.It is a joke, but I agree on that.
3 I passed 4 tests in XX days to get my driving lisence as expected. Althou it was hot and I was sunburned, I got what I should have.
4 I had always been searching knowledge on computers since then.
5 I have 2 years of working experience in office.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-03 10:36

1. He and I have the same name.
2. My friends often say that I am born to study computer science. That was a joke. But I actually do think so.
3. It took me XX days, 4 tests to finally successfully get my driver's licence. Although the weather was so hot and I was getting sun-burnt as a result, It was all worth it.
4. Since then, I always read curiously about computer-related knowledge.
5. I worked in an open-office environment for 2 years.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-03 10:33

1. His name is the same as mine.
2. My friend says I was born to learn computer, it's just a kidding, I think so too.
3. I passed 4 tests in xx days and got my driving license, I felt my efforts were paid off although it's extremely hot and I became brown.
4. Since then I always study computer.
5. I was working in office for 2 years.



热心网友 时间:2024-06-03 10:33

1.We have same name.
2.My friend said major computer is my perfect match. I kidded him that I thought it was.
3.By efforts for many days, I past 4 exams and got driving license. Although it's very hot and I was sunburned, I think I get reward.
4.By then, I often dabble in computer.
5. I have been worked in office for two years.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-03 10:29

He and i have the same name
My friend said that i have a gift for computer. It is a joke but i think that i am good at it
I passed 4 items of test and got the dirving licence. it was hard but my effort had finally got paid off.
I continually enrich my computer knowlege from then on
i worked in office for two years
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