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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-15 14:47



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 19:15

Lead into the mediator
The – is all from send out the square X arrive the signature news that receive the square Y to send to the mediator A first
The – A proceeds news and its signatures to a series to test, toing check its source with the contents
The – A plus the news to date and give out the Y with the designation that have beened verified by the mediator to pass together
The mediator plays the sensitive in this type of signature mode with the role of the key
The participant of all – must believe this biggest mechanism on arbitrating the work is normal

The arithmetic figure that demand arbitrate signs the system general the process is as follows:Send out the square A to the news after signing, send out the news of the fish-eye signature to mediator C, C as to it's after verifying, send out together with a proof that pass the verification to accept the square B.In this project, the A can't give the denial to the news that send out by oneself, but the mediator musts be to get the representative director that have customer's trusts.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 19:18


热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 19:21

Arbiter introduced - all from sender to recipient X Y signatures to the arbitrator A news first-A and its signature news series of tests to check their sources and content-A date with the news and has been verified by the arbitrator issued instructions together arbiter Y Signed in such sensitive and crucial role to play mode-all great players have to believe in the mechanism for arbitration The digital signature system for the normal needs of the general arbitration process is as follows : A sender of the message signature, Signed information will be sent to an arbitrator with C, C after its certification, with a proof of certification sent to the recipient by B. In this program, the news of their A can not be denied. However, the arbitrator must be responsible for all users, who confidence.
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