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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-16 05:44



热心网友 时间:2024-05-16 06:14


you tell me you're in love with me

like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me

it's not that I don't want to stay

but evertime you come to close I move away
I wanna believe in everything that you say
cause it sounds so good
but if you really want me
move it slow
there's things about me you'll just have to know
sometimes I run
sometimes I hide
sometimes I'm scared of you
but all I really want is to hold you tight
treat you right
be with you day and night
baby all I need is time

I don't want to be so shy
but everytime that I'm alone I wonder why
I hope that you will wait for me

you see that you're the only one for me
I wanna believe in everything that you say
cause it sounds so good
but if you really want me
move it slow
there's things about me you'll just have to know
sometimes I run (sometimes)
sometimes I hide
sometimes I'm scared of you
but all I really want is to hold you tight
treat you right
be with you day and night
All I really want is to hold you tight

treat you right
be with you day and night
baby all I need is time
just hang around and you'll see
there's no one that I rather be
if you love me
trust in me
the way I trust in you

oh yeah

sometimes I run (sometimes)
sometimes I hide

sometimes I'm scared of you
but all I really want is to hold you tight
(hold ya tight)
treat you right
be with you day and night (day and night)

sometimes I run (sometimes)
sometimes I hide
sometimes I'm scared of you
but all I really want is to hold you tight

treat you right
be with you day and night (day and night)
all I really want is to hold you tight

be with you day and night

sometimes I run (sometimes)
Sometimes I hide
sometimes I'm scared of you
but I really want is to hold you tight
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