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求英语作文 let's live a healthy life 高中200词左右

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 23:30



热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 18:55

Healthy life
There is a saying that health is better than wealth.It is very important for people to lead a healthy life because one cannot be happy if he is ill.
In order to lead a happy and healthy life,we should eat breakfast every morning,take in more vitamins and minerals and eat less fat and cholesterol.Secondly,we must get enough sleep because sleep is vital to good health.If we don’t have enough sleep,our memory,learning and logical reasoning will be negatively affected.Thirdly,it is most important for us to do exercises regularly.It can help control weight and maintain healthy bones,muscles and joints.Moreover,it also helps reduce risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Bodily hygiene is also important.We should practice good dental hygiene by brushing our teeth every morning and at night.We should visit the dentist once a year to clean our teeth.
Last of all,we should take up a hobby because hobbies are enjoyable nad relaxing activities.They help people live happier

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 18:56

To protect our environment ,we must throw the rubbish into the litterbin instead of throwing it away everywhere.Somebody cut too many trees and killed many animals freely.These are all bad for the environment.We mustn't use things once and throw them away.We should save water everyday as well as plant more trees.What's more we should stop polluting our planet!Let's save our Earth,shall we?

热心网友 时间:2024-06-02 18:57

To protect our environment ,we must throw the rubbish into the litterbin instead of throwing it away everywhere.Somebody cut too many trees and killed many animals freely.These are all bad for the environment.We mustn't use things once and throw them away.We should save water everyday as well as plant more trees.What's more we should stop polluting our planet!Let's save our Earth,shall we?
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