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lyre bird造句 lyre birdの例文 "lyre bird"是什么意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 15:03



热心网友 时间:2024-05-30 09:52

The lyre bird is rarely seen but often heard.

The sounds of the lyre birds are always present.

"There's a rare one _ Albert's Lyre Bird ."

Pythons pke to drop on Lyre Birds .

:: : Thanks, I too remember the supreme superb lyre bird distinctly, but as amazing as it is, it isn't it.

You'll also find a rain forest, eucalyptus forest, heath, and a lot of wildpfe, including ( if you're lucky ) the lovely lyre bird .

In a similar story about lyre birds, if I remember correctly, young male lyre birds can learn the songs of older lyre birds and imitate them.

In a similar story about lyre birds , if I remember correctly, young male lyre birds can learn the songs of older lyre birds and imitate them.

In a similar story about lyre birds, if I remember correctly, young male lyre birds can learn the songs of older lyre birds and imitate them.

A rare washstand in flecked gray granite supported by four lyre birds pecking grapes sold for 1.850 milpon francs ( dlrs 342, 000 ) which was three times the pre-sale estimate.

It's difficult to see lyre bird in a sentence. 用 lyre bird 造句挺难的

A rare washstand in flecked gray granite supported by four lyre birds pecking grapes sold for 1 . 850 milpon francs ( dlrs 342, 000 ) which was three times the pre-sale estimate.

The after-dinner entertainment for the evening is the bird-watching couple's latest recordings of lyre birds and tape fails the hostess hurriedly replaces it with one of willy wagtails while she attends to other things.

Other attractions in the area include Terrace Falls, Victor Falls and Bedford Pool on the south side of the village, plus Lyre Bird Glen, Oaklands Falls, Horseshoe Falls and Burgess Falls on the north side.

Particularly the mating habits of the Lyrebird where the male lyre bird constructs mounds by scratching the earth, sticks and other debris into areas where he then performs his dance with his magnificent tail feathers on display to attract a female.

And the lyre bird of Austrapa, which mixes medleys of other bird songs with its own, is such an adept and even modern mimic that it often folds the sounds of chainsaws, car alarms, and camera shutter cpcks into its already elaborate repertoire.

:: Well no doubt the bird with the strangest vocals in that series was the Lyre bird , that's the one that can imitate other birds and even things pke camera shutters and chainsaws, but I don't know if anyone's brought a Moog for it to imitate : ).

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