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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 05:10



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 03:50

Academic Reference Letter TemplateTo Whom It May Concern:
{Name or recipient}
{Address 1}
{Address 2}
{City, State, Zip}I am writing a recommendation for admission to the graate program for {Name of School, Department, and Program}. I have known {NAME} for two years not only as a student while I was a {Your Title} at {Your School or Organization}, but also as a professional {or academic}. {Name} has academically excelled and has drawn others to {his / her} pace through enthusiasm, confidence and determination. {His / Her} scholarly activities have been nothing but unparalleled at {Current or graating school}.
{NAME} additionally excels in {his / her} profession. {His / Her} career has taken {him / her} to prestigious {Name of City / Town} institutions where {he /she} has proven a master of {his / her} craft, but modest and humble nonetheless, always yearning for a challenge. It has been a pleasure to discuss with instry peers how this {gentleman / lady} is leaving {his / her} mark upon the city.
Personally and socially, {NAME} is nothing short of a total {gentleman / lady}. {His / Her} demeanor is professional yet unobtrusive; {his / her} character full of integrity; {his / her} determination focused and forceful. {NAME} is a role model to fellow students and peers while busily managing {his / her} household and personal life.
It has been some years since I left instry to join academia. I must mention that should I have had the opportunity of working with an indivial such as {NAME}, it would have been not only professionally rewarding but one of those few times when you come across someone who shares the work ethic, values, and goals necessary to lead within this instry.
{NAME} is dynamic, responsible, and intelligent. {His / Her} acceptance into {Program and Department} will not only lead to greater contributions to our instry, but prove to be an asset to your program.
If I can offer any additional insights on {NAME}, please do not hesitate calling me at {Your Phone Number}.
{Your Signature}
{Your Name}
{Your Title}
{Your Organization / School}追问你有香港留学经历吗

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