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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-17 23:42



热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 20:31




热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 20:36

The gentleman for other people's attitude has two kinds, one kind is consider others in one's own place, so that tolerance of others (because they do not, so people do not also forgive him); another is to ask others to use the perfect, comprehensive standard. To be tolerant to others, so others can become good, self improving road is broad; for others the perfect, comprehensive meet these requirements, the standard of the very few people, because very few, so more is worth treasuring. However, further understand what a person can be tolerant, which is worthy of treasure, isn't it more difficult to do!

热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 20:32

There are two kinds of the gentleman's attitude towards others, is a kind of work, so that the tolerance of others (because they can't do that, so to do other people do not forgive him); The other is in perfect, comprehensive standards to ask others. Tolerance to others, so other people can get better, the road of self-improvement is broad; Perfect, comprehensive to others requirement, conform to such standards are very few, because very few, so the more cherished. The further understand a person what aspects can be tolerant, which aspects are worth to cherish, isn't it more difficult for you!

热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 20:31

The gentleman at the person, or push to forgive, orresponsibility for. To move the road to a new life, so goodwide; preparation is rare, rare, so valuable yan. But to know what excuse, and valuable, and not so difficult about it!
The gentleman for other people's attitude has two kinds,one kind is to so tolerant of others (because they do not, so people do not also forgive him); another is to ask others touse the perfect, comprehensive standard. Tolerance of others, so others can become good, self improving road is broad; for others the perfect, fully comply with suchrequirements, standards of the very few people, because very few, so more is worth treasuring. However, furtherunderstand what a person can be tolerant, which is worthy of treasure, isn't it more difficult to do!


热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 20:28

Gentleman's have two kinds of attitude to others, one is to benefit the people and tolerant of others (because they can not do, so that others do not do it to forgive him); Another one is use perfect, comprehensive standards to claim others. Tolerant of others, so that others can get better, self-improvement on the broad road of some; others require perfection, comprehensive, consistent with this standard very few people, because few, so more cherished. Yet further understand what a person is tolerant, what is cherished, it not harder yet!
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