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热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 15:02

Effective management and innovation of employee training
Employee training as a fundamental work of an enterprise has gained increasingly greater attention by the organizations. Especially in the context of today's growing market competition (in the oilfield industry), it has become the goal of many enterprises to establish an effective training mechanism, to build a comprehensive training evaluation system, to motivate all employees to participate in the training, and to foster the growth of a learning organization within the enterprise.
Competition among enterprises is ultimately a competition of talents. Training as an important means of cultivating talent has become a critical factor to determine whether the company can stand out in the fiercely competitive market. Employee training exists in every company. However, to ensure the meaningfulness of employee training rather than having it as a mere formality requires effective management and continual innovation regarding the training ideology and methods.
A. Employee training management
In order to achieve the desired effects of employee training and to nurture the continuous development of talents that meet the enterprise’s growth demands, we must first improve the management of employee training. In the past, employee training management in some enterprises mainly focused on regularity, attendance and some other superficial issues and neglected the management from the height of business strategy.
Strategic management of employee training
Every enterprise has its own business strategy. Accordingly, the human resources management department should formulate its own employee training strategy within the framework of the enterprise business strategy. Talents in an enterprise are usually obtained in two ways: one is parachuting; the other is in-house development. Considering the workforce stability, cohesion, identification with the corporate culture and so on, it is more desirable for an enterprise to emphasize in-house development of talents. This approach will not only enable more targeted training, alignment of departmental work with the overall enterprise effort, but also help the smooth implementation of training. For example, Haier company emphases product quality as one of its most important parts of business strategy. Therefore, its employee training focuses on how to improve product quality, how to include quality into the corporate culture, etc.

Planning of employee training
Comprehensive planning is necessary to ensure the successful implementation of the employee training strategy. Employee training planning is the execution and manifestation of the employee training strategy. The annual training plan for the upcoming year is usually developed at the end of a year. The Departments should base their employee training plans on the business strategy and plan of their own department and submit to HR department for review, approval and summary. Priority should be given to the training of departments and employees who are most closely related to the realization of business strategy by means such as arrangements for them to participate in appropriate courses offered by universities or consultation organizations, or inviting external experts to conduct training in the enterprise. 总之,职工培训管理是一项复杂的系统工程,它涉及到企业及职工的切身利益。因此,在安排职工培训时,必须统筹兼顾,使职工培训切实发挥出其应有的作用。
Overall, employee training management is a complicated systematic project which involves the immediate interests of the enterprise and its employees. Therefore, a comprehensive and balanced approach is desired for employee training arrangement to ensure its meaningfulness.


热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 15:04

How do staff training effective management and innovation
Staff training as an enterprise's foundation work, more and more get the attention of enterprises and units. Especially in oilfield increasingly towards a market competition today, how to set up effective training mechanism, establish perfect training appraisal system, arouses the staff to participate in training the enthusiasm, in this enterprise inside construct learning organization is many enterprises in training in pursuit of the goal.
The competition between enterprises is, in essence, the talents competition, and talents training as a kind of important means, has become the enterprise in the fierce competition in the market in a key can win. Staff training in each enterprise and unit have, but how to make staff training practical work, rather than just become a mere formality, demands that we must to staff training mode, the effective management of the concept and incessant innovation.

A, staff training management

Staff training management to get better effect, can be expected for the development of enterprises constantly train suitable talents, we must first strengthen worker training management. Past, some enterprises for staff training management mainly reflects in the regular sex, worker training attended some daily behavior signed in, while ignoring the worker training must stand in the enterprise manages strategic height to the effective management of.
1 the strategic management, staff training
In the enterprise's development process, each company has its own management strategy, accordingly, the human resources department also must enterprise manages strategic framework in the training strategy formulated worker come down. Enterprise talented person troop construction generally has two kinds: one kind is to rely on the introduction, another kind is depend on oneself develop. From staff's stability, cohesion and to the enterprise culture identity consideration of the aspects such as personnel, enterprises should pay attention to more internal training. This is not only beneficial to the targeted training to the whole, and departments for the smooth implementation of and training. Like haier product quality as enterprise management strategy is an important part of the company, its worker training should be focusing on how to upgrade the quality of products, and how to take the quality as the enterprise culture in worker idea.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 15:07

How do staff training effective management and innovation
Staff training as an enterprise's foundation work, more and more get the attention of enterprises and units. Especially in oilfield increasingly towards a market competition today, how to set up effective training mechanism, establish perfect training appraisal system, arouses the staff to participate in training the enthusiasm, in this enterprise inside construct learning organization is many enterprises in training in pursuit of the goal.
The competition between enterprises is, in essence, the talents competition, and talents training as a kind of important means, has become the enterprise in the fierce competition in the market in a key can win. Staff training in each enterprise and unit have, but how to make staff training practical work, rather than just become a mere formality, demands that we must to staff training mode, the effective management of the concept and incessant innovation.

A, staff training management

Staff training management to get better effect, can be expected for the development of enterprises constantly train suitable talents, we must first strengthen worker training management. Past, some enterprises for staff training management mainly reflects in the regular sex, worker training attended some daily behavior signed in, while ignoring the worker training must stand in the enterprise manages strategic height to the effective management of.
1 the strategic management, staff training
In the enterprise's development process, each company has its own management strategy, accordingly, the human resources department also must enterprise manages strategic framework in the training strategy formulated worker come down. Enterprise talented person troop construction generally has two kinds: one kind is to rely on the introduction, another kind is depend on oneself develop. From staff's stability, cohesion and to the enterprise culture identity consideration of the aspects such as personnel, enterprises should pay attention to more internal training. This is not only beneficial to the targeted training to the whole, and departments for the smooth implementation of and training. Like haier product quality as enterprise management strategy is an important part of the company, its worker training should be focusing on how to upgrade the quality of products, and how to take the quality as the enterprise culture in worker idea.
2, staff training plan management
Worker training and the implementation of the strategy for success must have perfect plan to guarantee. Staff training plan management is the worker training and manifestation of strategic management and reflect. Staff training should be in commonly at the end of this year to make the entire training plan next year. Each department in enterprise management strategy should be according to the certain this department development strategy and plan to formulate the department staff training plan, and submitted to the human resources department audit and approval and summary. To realize enterprise management strategy with the department and the worker is closely related to key arrangement is, if arrange its participation in a specialized consultancy firm by the university or in professional courses, or plan to hire outside experts to training.
Anyhow, staff training management is a complicated system engineering, it involves enterprise and worker interests. Therefore, in the arrangement worker training, must be balanced, make the worker training practical play their due role.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 15:04

How do staff training effective management and innovation

Staff training as an enterprise's foundation work, more and more get the attention of enterprises and units. Especially in oilfield increasingly towards a market competition today, how to set up effective training mechanism, establish perfect training appraisal system, arouses the staff to participate in training the enthusiasm, in this enterprise inside construct learning organization is many enterprises in training in pursuit of the goal.

The competition between enterprises is, in essence, the talents competition, and talents training as a kind of important means, has become the enterprise in the fierce competition in the market in a key can win. Staff training in each enterprise and unit have, but how to make staff training practical work, rather than just become a mere formality, demands that we must to staff training mode, the effective management of the concept and incessant innovation.
1 the strategic management, staff training

In the enterprise's development process, each company has its own management strategy, accordingly, the human resources department also must enterprise manages strategic framework in the training strategy formulated worker come down. Enterprise talented person troop construction generally has two kinds: one kind is to rely on the introduction, another kind is depend on oneself develop. From staff's stability, cohesion and to the enterprise culture identity consideration of the aspects such as personnel, enterprises should pay attention to more internal training. This is not only beneficial to the targeted training to the whole, and departments for the smooth implementation of and training. Like haier product quality as enterprise management strategy is an important part of the company, its worker training should be focusing on how to upgrade the quality of products, and how to take the quality as the enterprise culture in worker idea.
2, staff training plan management

Worker training and the implementation of the strategy for success must have perfect plan to guarantee. Staff training plan management is the worker training and manifestation of strategic management and reflect. Staff training should be in commonly at the end of this year to make the entire training plan next year. Each department in enterprise management strategy should be according to the certain this department development strategy and plan to formulate the department staff training plan, and submitted to the human resources department audit and approval and summary. To realize enterprise management strategy with the department and the worker is closely related to key arrangement is, if arrange its participation in a specialized consultancy firm by the university or in professional courses, or plan to hire outside experts to training.

Anyhow, staff training management is a complicated system engineering, it involves enterprise and worker interests. Therefore, in the arrangement worker training, must be balanced, make the worker training practical play their due role.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-23 15:04

How do staff training effective management and innovation
Staff training as an enterprise's foundation work, more and more get the attention of enterprises and units. Especially in oilfield increasingly towards a market competition today, how to set up effective training mechanism, establish perfect training appraisal system, arouses the staff to participate in training the enthusiasm, in this enterprise inside construct learning organization is many enterprises in training in pursuit of the goal.
The competition between enterprises is, in essence, the talents competition, and talents training as a kind of important means, has become the enterprise in the fierce competition in the market in a key can win. Staff training in each enterprise and unit have, but how to make staff training practical work, rather than just become a mere formality, demands that we must to staff training mode, the effective management of the concept and incessant innovation.

A, staff training management

Staff training management to get better effect, can be expected for the development of enterprises constantly train suitable talents, we must first strengthen worker training management. Past, some enterprises for staff training management mainly reflects in the regular sex, worker training attended some daily behavior signed in, while ignoring the worker training must stand in the enterprise manages strategic height to the effective management of.
1 the strategic management, staff training
In the enterprise's development process, each company has its own management strategy, accordingly, the human resources department also must enterprise manages strategic framework in the training strategy formulated worker come down. Enterprise talented person troop construction generally has two kinds: one kind is to rely on the introduction, another kind is depend on oneself develop. From staff's stability, cohesion and to the enterprise culture identity consideration of the aspects such as personnel, enterprises should pay attention to more internal training. This is not only beneficial to the targeted training to the whole, and departments for the smooth implementation of and training. Like haier product quality as enterprise management strategy is an important part of the company, its worker training should be focusing on how to upgrade the quality of products, and how to take the quality as the enterprise culture in worker idea.
2, staff training plan management
Worker training and the implementation of the strategy for success must have perfect plan to guarantee. Staff training plan management is the worker training and manifestation of strategic management and reflect. Staff training should be in commonly at the end of this year to make the entire training plan next year. Each department in enterprise management strategy should be according to the certain this department development strategy and plan to formulate the department staff training plan, and submitted to the human resources department audit and approval and summary. To realize enterprise management strategy with the department and the worker is closely related to key arrangement is, if arrange its participation in a specialized consultancy firm by the university or in professional courses, or plan to hire outside experts to training.
Anyhow, staff training management is a complicated system engineering, it involves enterprise and worker interests. Therefore, in the arrangement worker training, must be balanced, make the worker training practical play their due role.
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