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翻译成英语 急急~~1

发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-21 20:11



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 12:57

10.Electric servicing manual
10.1 checks regularly whether the electric heater is damaged, three-phase resistance value is equal, whether insulating ability is good, pay special attention to damaging the electric leakage caused because of the electric heater.
10.2 The journey turned on or off and measured and had no one that pressed to close to the switch to check and close the door regularly. Because this electric apparatus of components have been in the area taller in relative temperature all the time, has measured this electric apparatus of components regularly, if damage and change in time.
10.3 Check, fasten and exchange the connecting wire of contactor and heater regularly, it causes wiring to generate heat, strike sparks etc. to prevent the junction from becoming flexible. Check the contact which is exchanged the contactor and suck the situation of shutting regularly, if damage, is exposed to the bad or adhesion situation, deal with in time or exchange the contactor even more.
10.4 Check pneumatic carrying out device and valve regularly. Operate each pneumatic valve manually, it is flexible that the ones that look over the valve are rotated, put in place. If the pneumatic valve is opened or closes and has not put in place, the warning suggestion of the electric bell after the overtime, look over PLC corresponding output is lighted and exported at first; Check that controls the small-scale relay to damage; Check the contact situation of the valve head wiring of electromagnetic valve and and coil; Whether the electromagnetic valve coil is damaged; Whether the electromagnetic valve is damaged; Put through the source of the gas and have sufficient tolerances; The pneumatic carrying out device rotates some or it is seized whether the ball valve is.
10.5 Check the location transcer of the liquid regularly. Water level abnormal failing warning possible liquid location transcer trouble in time, drain other gallbladder pressure (other gallbladder pressure must zero), take down location transcer of liquid measure and damage. Low water water level warning electric heater stop, heat, water pump mend water automatically; Please check the hot relays or exchange contactors which control the water pump such as failing to mend water or water pump trouble, or water pump situation.
10.6 Look over electric current of job and power voltage regularly, measure the fuse box to damage, fix a breakdown and change the fuse box damaged and melt the core in time.
10.7 Apparatus pressure reach working pressure already, " prepare " indicator lamp straight on " systematically, apparatus can inflate, confirm kettle door close, put in place, kettle door journey switch put in place to shut off damage at first, empty, exhaust, drain off water, arrange the wax, inflation valve to close and put in place.
11.Random fittings and materials
(1)Kettle door seal, enclose 1
(2)Water treatment 1 appearance
(3)2 electric heaters
(4)The mould shell transports 2 cars
(5)Connect 2 trough small handcarts of the wax.
(6)Necessary materials of pressure container such as the certificate of quality of pressure container, apparatus operation instructions,etc..

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 12:57

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