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《Blender合成与后期处理.》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源_百 ...

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热心网友 时间:2024-04-12 19:08

《Blender Compositing and Post Processing》(Vepakomma Mythravarun)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读



书名:Blender Compositing and Post Processing

作者:Vepakomma Mythravarun

出版社:Packt Publishing




Learn the techniques required to create believable and stunning visuals with Blender Compositor


Explore Blender compositor to create spectacular visuals

Make the most out of Blender's node-based compositing architecture

Step-by-step guide full of practical examples

In Detail

Blender Compositing allows you to assemble and enhance an image (or movie). Using Composition nodes, you can glue two pieces of footage together and colorize the whole sequence all at once. You can enhance the colors of a single image or an entire movie clip in a static manner or in a dynamic way that changes over time (as the clip progresses).

Blender Compositing and Post Processing enables you to attain a firm grounding in order to arrive at a desired look of the film, with more ease and efficiency. You will also learn how to create and manage compositing flows that are effective and productive in meeting project deadlines.

Blender Compositing and Post Processing will take you through different compositing terminologies, concepts, and their implementations in Blender Compositions. You will indulge in procedural and practical illustrations on color space, image grading, relighting, and focusing.

This book is a one stop solution for you to attain state of the art compositing skills for creating mind blowing visuals and productive composites, using Blender compositor. By the end of the book you should have the confidence to tackle a complex shot from planning to polish.

What you will learn from this book

Explore color spaces and grading techniques

Discover what goes in and out of Blender compositor

Understand generic render passes and layers

Work on advanced compositing techniques like relighting, texture mapping, and focusing

Get to grips with keying, masking, and filtering techniques

Grade using the Bezier curve

Make the image more realistic using camera effects

Import footage into the node editor


This book is a step-by-step compositing guide, with lots of illustrations and practical approaches and implementations to attain a desired visual quality to a deadline. Each chapter progressively adds to your skillset, covering a wide range of CG film making compositing concepts.

Who this book is written for

This book is for digital CG artists looking to add photo realism and life to their footage. This book also assists technical CG artists in strategizing and implementing productive lighting. If you are new to Blender or compositing, this book will guide you step by step in gaining compositing skills


Mythravarun Vepakomma was born in Hyderabad, India, in 1983 and is currently

working as a CG Supervisor at Xentrix Studios Pvt Ltd, India. Though he graduated

in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2004, he has always had a great passion for comics and cartoons. During his studies, his passion got him attracted to web designing and 3D animation.

Mythravarun always believed in transforming his passion into a career. He decided

to go for it and started learning 3D graphics and web designing on his own. He also

started working as a part-time illustrator and graphic designer. After consistent efforts, he finally moved into the field of 3D animation in 2005 to chase his dream of making it his career.

He has a decade of experience in several TV series, theme park ride films, and features.He now deals with creating and setting up CG lighting and compositing pipelines, providing a creative direction for CG Projects, research and development on several render engines to create a stable future for the studio, and many more things.

Midway through his career, Mythravarun encountered Blender and was fascinated by its features and the fact that it was an open source software. This made him dig deeper into Blender to get a better understanding. Now he prefers to use Blender for many of his illustrations.

As a hobby and secondary interest, he composes music and writes blogs on social

awareness. His online presence can be found at the following links:

Personal website:


Blog: www.senseandessence.com

Music and entertainment: www.charliesmile.com




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