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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-17 00:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 10:29

am in the English speech is our planet. Let us appreciate the beauty of it was blue. These are filmed with real satellite images. We can not help but feel it spectacular. We can see from the picture, the brighter the light the more developed areas. Look, this is Europe, which is developed in the U.S.. This is our China, we can see the barren western downtown east, contrast is very obvious. Caring for the earth is to love ourselves, let the beauty of the earth to give his part

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 10:30

Our Earth
Let us appreciate the beauty of it was blue. These are filmed with real satellite images. We can not help but feel it spectacular. We can see from the picture, the brighter the light the more developed areas. Look, this is Europe, which is developed in the U.S.. This is our China, we can see the barren western downtown east, contrast is very obvious. Caring for the earth is to love ourselves, let the beauty of the earth to give his part.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 10:30

Let us appreciate the beauty of it was blue. These are filmed with real satellite images. We can not help but feel it spectacular. We can see from the picture, the brighter the light the more developed areas. Look, this is Europe, which is developed in the U.S.. This is our China, we can see the barren western downtown east, contrast is very obvious. Caring for the earth is to love ourselves, let us give to the beauty of the earth to a force

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