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so ln love的演唱者

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-16 21:20



热心网友 时间:2024-03-29 08:30

Talk to me, don't lie to me
Save your breath
Don't look at me, don't smile at me
Just close your eyes
I was so impressed by you
I was running blind
I would fall for every trick
Every twist of mind
Heaven is cold
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Without any soul
It's hard to believe
I was so in love with you
Don't say your prayers, don't build your hopes
Just walk away
Don't phone me up, don't call around
Don't waste your time
You were so in awe of me
You were so divine
You would do just anything
To still be mine
Without any soul
It's hard to believe
I was so in love with you
All the things you said to me
I was so obsessed
You were always talking talking
God I did my best
Heaven is cold
Without any soul
It's hard to believe
I was so in love with you
歌手:orchestral manoeuvr 专辑:crush

I'm so enraptured by the thought of yesterday

You and me all alone in a quiet empty place
I close my eyes and pray this magic never ends
I rewind in my mind so I feel your touch again

I don't know what to do
But I know that it feels so right
And the way that you move keeps me going through the night.

And it feels like flying
And it feels so exciting
I don't know what to do
But I know that it feels so right

So in love when we're together
So in love and I lose control
So in love when you hold me tight and I look into your eyes

I dedicate my love to you and no one else
You have captured my heart like a shadow in the dark

I don't know what to do
But I know that it feels so right
And the way that you move keeps me going through the night.

And it feels like flying
And it feels so exciting
I don't know what to do
But I know that it feels so right

So in love when we're together
So in love and I lose control
So in love when you hold me tight and I look into your eyes

歌手:kate ryan 专辑:diffient

All alone on a nighttrain
Like a stranger on a sinking ship
Will i ever know the secret to your heart
Do you care, am i dreaming
When i reach for you is that burning flame
Just inside of me are we a world apart
Christian Wunderlich
Chorus :
I'm so in love, so in love with you
I'm so in love, if you only knew
I'm so in love, i'll never be the same
Cause i'm so in love, i'm so in love with you
Should i dare to entice you
Will a touch of your fingertips, take my heart again
You know it's been so long
Is it wrong how i want you
When it feels so right being close and
Who is to tell me now that all's been said and done
You, you never understood
And you were gone when our love felt so good
You unchain my heart and set me free
Or tell me that you're gonna be with me
[chorus] x 3

歌手:christian wunderlic 专辑:real good moments

Like a dream, a childhood fantasy
You came to me, wiped me off my feet
Like paradise lookin' in your eyes
You take my breath away
Baby, I'm here to say
You make me feel special
You're all that I need and more
Fairytales do come true
Cuz they did when I met you
The only time I ever fell
I fell for you
Now I'm so in love
So deep in love with you
When I'm with you, I get lost in time
When we're hand in hand
Our dreams intertwined
On and on like drifting off to sea
Never ending, you're all I need
You make me feel special
You're all that I need and more
Cuz they did when I met you
You make me feel special
You're all that I need and more
Fairytales do come true
Cuz they did when I met you
(You make me feel special)
The only time I ever fell
(you're so incredible)
I fell for you
Now I'm so in love...

歌手:soluna 专辑:for all time
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