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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-23 20:40



热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 22:29

1.Both my friend and I agreed that we will spend this summer weekend togther. We had a plan that we will go to Beijing to go sightseeing. He wished to see the great wall. I said I prefer the Gym, Nest. Although we like different places, I am sure we will have fun there.

2.Today I played fire works with my cousin, Lily. The sound of our fire works was so loud that my neighbors complained to my parents. After playing these things, we had dumplings for dinner. They were made by my grandmother, my mother and my aunt.

3.Today I read a book called Harry Potter. It was written by JK Rowling, a british writer.She old us a story about a witch named Harry Potter. This brave boy's parents was killed by a bad man. This man wanted to kill Harry but failed. Harry is kind and brave so that he beated this man.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-30 22:26

1.Both my friend and I agreed that we will spend this summer weekend togther. We had a plan that we will go to Beijing to go sightseeing. He wished to see the great wall. I said I prefer the Gym, Nest. Although we like different places, I am sure we will have fun there.

2.Today I played fire works with my cousin, Lily. The sound of our fire works was so loud that my neighbors complained to my parents. After playing these things, we had dumplings for dinner. They were made by my grandmother, my mother and my aunt.

3.Today I read a book called Harry Potter. It was written by JK Rowling, a british writer.She old us a story about a witch named Harry Potter. This brave boy's parents was killed by a bad man. This man wanted to kill Harry but failed. Harry is kind and brave so that he beated this man.
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