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The Heat (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-16 06:25



热心网友 时间:2024-03-29 00:42

歌曲名:The Heat (Album Version)
专辑:The Heat

Where's the sand, I'm set
My body, thumping going pitty pat
Gettin' tan and wet
And When I feel the beat
I lose control of it
Ooh baby, I'm feelin' you
I must admit
Looking tight and fit
And I imagine you and I in
Summer bodies, shake it to the
Music's going through your body
Temperature is rising
Can you feel the heat, the heat
Sleeping in 'til noon
Be naughty, put bubbles in the swimming pool
Skinny dip for two
And as you feel the rhythm taking hold of you
Ooh papi, I love it when you ooh eeh ooh
And I'm hooked it's true
I imagine you and I in
Summer bodies, shake it to the
Music's going through your body
Temperature is rising
Can you feel the heat, the heat
Summer's almost over so you better hurry
Andale! Andale!
Starting right now let's dance and party
Ole! Ole! Ole!
Give Me a reason to love you through,
through theSeason
No need to hesitate, come on let's get it on
Let's celebrate 'cause it's
Summer bodies, shake it to the
Music's going through your body
Temperature is rising
Can you feel the heat, the heat

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