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经济学中 稀缺 选择和机会成本 三者间的关系

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 11:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 11:05


(二)生产可能性曲线生产可能性曲线的含义在既定的资源之下所能生产商品的最大产量的组合,就是生产可能性线 生产可能性曲线与资源稀缺性之间的关系生产可能性曲线反映了资源稀缺性的特征。



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 11:05


热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 11:06

Section I of scarcity and choice
(A) scarcity and economic problems of scarcity of resources in the proction of the meaning of the relative scarcity of limited resources and economic problems e to the scarcity of resources exist, it must consider how to make use of the limited proction of the relative scarcity of resources to meet the infinite diversity . This is the so-called "economic issues." Proction resources or factors of proction, including the main ingredients in the proction of economic and social resources is also called the factors of proction, including: capital (the price of interest), land (the price of rent), work (for the price of their wages).
Western Economics study Western economics and the community on how to make the ultimate choice in the use or non-use of currencies of the world can use it for other uses of scarce proctive resources, now or in the future to the proction of procts, and proct distribution To various members of the community for consumption. Improve its analysis of the allocation of resources in the form of possible costs and potential earnings.
(B) the possibility of the proction curve of proction possibilities curve meaning that the established resources can proce goods under the best combination of yield and proction is the possibility of proction lines and curves of the possibility of scarce resources of the relationship between the proction possibility curve Reflects the characteristics of resource scarcity.
(C) the opportunity cost of options and choose the causes of the scarce resources of the community have to make a choice
When the concept of opportunity cost of the multi-purpose so that the scarce resources of the main needs of economic choice, would choose to bring the cost of choosing the cost of what we call opportunity cost, the resources must be used to proce a proct to give up when the other The number of procts is the opportunity cost, which is to make a decision when to give up the best alternative use.
To solve economic problems and the opportunity cost of the relationship between economic problems have been reced to make choices on how to achieve the lowest cost.



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