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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 11:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 11:20


According to the dictionary, rage is a kind of violent anger that's difficult to control. But how come we get furious about things? Why and when do we get or feel our rage?

Under certain circumstances we would lose our temper against something or somebody. That's what we call rage in a simpler way.

The reason why we get rage is because something has touched our nerves or crossed the line within our value system. Rage can come from different cases. When we lose a close friend in a medical accident, we would be raging towards the hospital or the doctor. When a little kid throws mud at you, you might also lose it.

It's rather hard to define how we can control the rage since it's usually really challenging to. Controlling rage requires a lot of willpower and conscienceness, which means when a person is already having a hard time, he can be easily affected by rage and lose his control of temper.

As far as i'm concerned, rage is first of all doubtless a bad thing since it brings a lot of trouble. If we let out our rage, it's horrible and hard to recover the loss we've made. On the other side though, it might be good for our health. Each indivial is destined to have a lot of trouble in his whole life. If one always keep himself calm and full of composure, it'd probably drive him mad some time. But if one let his rage come out and bother him once in a while, it'd be good for his health and the life after rage.

Of course, when i say that, i don't mean that we can just let out our rage without any consideration of others' feelings. If it's too much, it might also be outrageous for others too.

So keep in mind that rage is basically not good. We have to control our rage on a regular basis. But in certain cases, it's also good to let it out so as to keep our mind clear from burden and stress.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 11:21

rage is a demon; rage is a poison; it is a beast inside rising you instinctive strength to conquer all standing in your way; it is a cyclone that can sweep all your sanity in a flesh and lay both ruins and regrets in your face; rage is al-edge blade ; rage is a man; rage is a women; but it is more likely to be infant baby,which sleeps sound in the depth of your heart ,awaiting a summon from you to do what it is supposed to do!apease it in front of your beloved,wake it up before your enemys


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