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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 09:40



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 07:10

Dear Ms.Lee
The new semester has begun.In this semester.I plan to preview before English classes.I will spend thirty minutes to one hour on it in the day.And in class,I will take notes when necessary. I want to be more active in class,so I will ask at least one question every class and be active speaking.
After class,I will follow the requirements of the teacher to do exercises.In every morning ,I will read texts aloud from 7:25-7:45 am except Sunday.
When I have a rest every week,I will practise my oral English 30 minutes twice .And I plan to memorize 6 words everyday except Sunday.
Of course,the review is necessary.I will spend one hour every Sunday to review what has been learned in the past week.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 07:10

Dear Ms.Lee
The new semester has begun. In this semester.I plan to preview before the English class. I will take thirty minutes to one hour on the day .And in class,I will take notes when necessary. I want to be more active in class,and will ask at least one question every class and be active in speaking.
After class,I will write exercises according to the requirements by the teacher .Every morning ,I will read texts aloud from 7:25-7:45 am except on Sundy morning.
When I have a rest every week,I will practise my oral English for 30 minutes,twice a week .And I plan to learn 6 words and remember it every day except Sunday.
Of course,the revision is necessary.I will take one hour every Sunday to review what has been learned in the past week.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 07:10

Dear Ms.Lee
The new semester has begun.In this semester.I plan to preview texts before the English class.I will take thirty minutes or one hour to recite words every day.And in class,I will take notes when necessary. I want to be more active in class,so I will ask at least one question every class and be active in answering the questions.
After class,I will meet the requirement of the teacher about writing exercises.In the every morning, I will read texts aloud from 7:25-7:45 am except Sunday.
When I have time every week,I will practise my oral English 30 minutes*2times.And I plan to learn 6 words and remember it everyday except Sunday.
Of course,the review is necessary.I will take one hour every Sunday to review what is learned in the past week.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 07:11

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