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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 14:43



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 15:31



"Notre Dame de Paris" is Hugo's writings, to the 15th century under the rule of Louis XI of Paris as a backdrop, reflect the July Revolution bourgeois democrats and the overwhelming majority of the people on Bourbon restoration of the Catholic Church and its accomplices in the spirit of hating hate emotional and revolutionary situation, as well as a description of our great love. I see this in the course of the film, I felt a strong sense of "pretty or ugly contrast." The characters and the story, even from real life, has been greatly exaggerated and intensified in the writers write, constitute a singular sites and the gorgeous screen, forming sharp, even incredible good and evil, beauty and ugliness contrast. "Notre Dame de Paris" of the circumstances surrounding three indivials always start : good beautiful girl Esmeralda. cruel hypocrisy of Notre Dame Bishop Claude • Fuluoluo ugly appearance and inner lofty bell Gaximo more people. Bohemia girl Esmeralda Paris Travelers is the darling, living on street theater. She naive purity, sympathetic and willing to help people. See a bear because innocent people being put to death, she accepted poet Gan fruit watts to do his own name to her husband. to preserve his life; Gaximo see more in the hot sun by whipping, she would only sympathetic, water to the thirsty and by the ringing cry of the people missed. Such a noble hearts of girls, were churches, the court stigmatized as "witches", "murderer", and was sentenced to the gallows. Author of this figure portrayed in the United States and the personification of good, let her soul with the beauty of the U.S. external complete reunification to arouse the reader to her boundless compassion, thereby creating the feudal monarchy and the Church of the strong resentment. As Adams and Bishop Claude Gaximo people, it is two completely opposite image. Claude respectable on the surface, live impoverished abstinence of spiritual life, but heart and desire prostitution, secular right has become the envy of full enjoyment. Selfish, sinister and unscrupulous. And Jiaxi Wu, the hunchback, merely for, deaf and the lame malformations, small by the world of discrimination and bullying. In Esmeralda, where he first experienced the warmth of the people, the appearance of a vulgar brutal weirdo, Since then put all their life and enthusiasm at the mercy of Esmeralda's shoulders, she can go through hell and high water. She can be happy to sacrifice their everything. This extreme beauty and ugliness to control absolutely the noble and evil confrontation, the novel is a stirring noble forces, We can bother them all the thinking and feeling. This is perhaps Romancism the benefits. "Notre Dame de Paris", the authors with great compassion describes Paris lowest of the people, vagrants and beggars. They rags, unruly behavior, but has a far better than the so-called ecated, civilized world of virtue. Friendliness, integrity, courage and altruism of the United States and Germany. Novels were rescued stray Paris Esmeralda attack on the Notre Dame scene, stirring, intense, generous, thrilling and is obviously a certain extent, into the July revolution of the Paris show people and the heroic spirit of the people of Paris St. Germain destroyed the Church and the Archbishop of Paris's events. Writes here, but also through the book, the characters mouths predicted people will end up destroyed bus prison, The implication of the 1789 Revolution broke out.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 15:31

"Notre Dame de Paris" is Hugo's writings, to the 15th century under the rule of Louis XI of Paris as a backdrop, reflect the July Revolution bourgeois democrats and the overwhelming majority of the people on Bourbon restoration of the Catholic Church and its accomplices in the spirit of hating hate emotional and revolutionary situation, as well as a description of our great love. I see this in the course of the film, I felt a strong sense of "pretty or ugly contrast." The characters and the story, even from real life, has been greatly exaggerated and intensified in the writers write, constitute a singular sites and the gorgeous screen, forming sharp, even incredible good and evil, beauty and ugliness contrast. "Notre Dame de Paris" of the circumstances surrounding three indivials always start : good beautiful girl Esmeralda. cruel hypocrisy of Notre Dame Bishop Claude • Fuluoluo ugly appearance and inner lofty bell Gaximo more people. Bohemia girl Esmeralda Paris Travelers is the darling, living on street theater. She naive purity, sympathetic and willing to help people. See a bear because innocent people being put to death, she accepted poet Gan fruit watts to do his own name to her husband. to preserve his life; Gaximo see more in the hot sun by whipping, she would only sympathetic, water to the thirsty and by the ringing cry of the people missed. Such a noble hearts of girls, were churches, the court stigmatized as "witches", "murderer", and was sentenced to the gallows. Author of this figure portrayed in the United States and the personification of good, let her soul with the beauty of the U.S. external complete reunification to arouse the reader to her boundless compassion, thereby creating the feudal monarchy and the Church of the strong resentment. As Adams and Bishop Claude Gaximo people, it is two completely opposite image. Claude respectable on the surface, live impoverished abstinence of spiritual life, but heart and desire prostitution, secular right has become the envy of full enjoyment. Selfish, sinister and unscrupulous. And Jiaxi Wu, the hunchback, merely for, deaf and the lame malformations, small by the world of discrimination and bullying. In Esmeralda, where he first experienced the warmth of the people, the appearance of a vulgar brutal weirdo, Since then put all their life and enthusiasm at the mercy of Esmeralda's shoulders, she can go through hell and high water. She can be happy to sacrifice their everything. This extreme beauty and ugliness to control absolutely the noble and evil confrontation, the novel is a stirring noble forces, We can bother them all the thinking and feeling. This is perhaps Romancism the benefits. "Notre Dame de Paris", the authors with great compassion describes Paris lowest of the people, vagrants and beggars. They rags, unruly behavior, but has a far better than the so-called ecated, civilized world of virtue. Friendliness, integrity, courage and altruism of the United States and Germany. Novels were rescued stray Paris Esmeralda attack on the Notre Dame scene, stirring, intense, generous, thrilling and is obviously a certain extent, into the July revolution of the Paris show people and the heroic spirit of the people of Paris St. Germain destroyed the Church and the Archbishop of Paris's events. Writes here, but also through the book, the characters mouths predicted people will end up destroyed bus prison, The implication of the 1789 Revolution broke out.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 15:32

这样回答 "Notre Dame de Paris" is Hugo's writings, to the 15th century under the rule of Louis XI of Paris as a backdrop, reflect the July Revolution bourgeois democrats and the overwhelming majority of the people on Bourbon restoration of the Catholic Church and its accomplices in the spirit of hating hate emotional and revolutionary situation, as well as a description of our great love. I see this in the course of the film, I felt a strong sense of "pretty or ugly contrast." The characters and the story, even from real life, has been greatly exaggerated and intensified in the writers write, constitute a singular sites and the gorgeous screen, forming sharp, even incredible good and evil, beauty and ugliness contrast. "Notre Dame de Paris" of the circumstances surrounding three indivials always start : good beautiful girl Esmeralda. cruel hypocrisy of Notre Dame Bishop Claude • Fuluoluo ugly appearance and inner lofty bell Gaximo more people. Bohemia girl Esmeralda Paris Travelers is the darling, living on street theater. She naive purity, sympathetic and willing to help people. See a bear because innocent people being put to death, she accepted poet Gan fruit watts to do his own name to her husband. to preserve his life; Gaximo see more in the hot sun by whipping, she would only sympathetic, water to the thirsty and by the ringing cry of the people missed. Such a noble hearts of girls, were churches, the court stigmatized as "witches", "murderer", and was sentenced to the gallows. Author of this figure portrayed in the United States and the personification of good, let her soul with the beauty of the U.S. external complete reunification to arouse the reader to her boundless compassion, thereby creating the feudal monarchy and the Church of the strong resentment. As Adams and Bishop Claude Gaximo people, it is two completely opposite image. Claude respectable on the surface, live impoverished abstinence of spiritual life, but heart and desire prostitution, secular right has become the envy of full enjoyment. Selfish, sinister and unscrupulous. And Jiaxi Wu, the hunchback, merely for, deaf and the lame malformations, small by the world of discrimination and bullying. In Esmeralda, where he first experienced the warmth of the people, the appearance of a vulgar brutal weirdo, Since then put all their life and enthusiasm at the mercy of Esmeralda's shoulders, she can go through hell and high water. She can be happy to sacrifice their everything. This extreme beauty and ugliness to control absolutely the noble and evil confrontation, the novel is a stirring noble forces, We can bother them all the thinking and feeling. This is perhaps Romancism the benefits. "Notre Dame de Paris", the authors with great compassion describes Paris lowest of the people, vagrants and beggars. They rags, unruly behavior, but has a far better than the so-called ecated, civilized world of virtue. Friendliness, integrity, courage and altruism of the United States and Germany. Novels were rescued stray Paris Esmeralda attack on the Notre Dame scene, stirring, intense, generous, thrilling and is obviously a certain extent, into the July revolution of the Paris show people and the heroic spirit of the people of Paris St. Germain destroyed the Church and the Archbishop of Paris's events. Writes here, but also through the book, the characters mouths predicted people will end up destroyed bus prison, The implication of the 1789 Revolution broke out.
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