发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 07:49
热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 17:53
“等你”小居是一对热爱旅游与美食的爱侣爱巢,正在实现周游世界的她们,将对世界各地的风情理解,化为小居设计中!小居拥有舒适客厅影视吧咖啡吧茶吧书吧等休闲空间,提供预约式正宗“杭帮菜私厨”服务包车服务和免费旅游路线设计服务!设备齐全,并备有微波炉面包机咖啡机榨汁机超大冰箱洗衣机挂烫机等,楼下就是跨贸小镇的海彼淘免税街和国外价格相差不多,性价比超高,对面就是中大银泰城,吃喝玩乐一站搞定!本屋共上下两层,楼上二间卧室,楼下为超大休闲公共空间,沙发可以变成床,最多可以住6人,特别适合自驾游二户家庭旅游小居购物之行小住!!品味杭州小资生活,感受杭州休闲雅致,“等你”小居欢迎有品味有情怀的您!The hotel “Waiting for you” House is founded by a couple in Hangzhou, who are enthusiastic about travelling and tasty food. Having toured and being touring in many places around the world, they have designed their hotel based on their understanding of multicultures from their trip. In our “Waiting for you” House, you can find various entertainment facilities, including dining room, film bar, caf and book bar and so on. Besides, booking of authentic Hangzhou food, car renting and free arrangement for trips in Hangzhou are also included in our service For customers who staying in our hotel for more than two days, free pickup from and to East Railway Station is offered. Of cours