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...航天是我的梦 在我四岁的时候 ,神七发射 ,从那天起 ,我对航天着迷...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-21 18:14



热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 23:12

Space is my dream when I was four years old, the god seven launches, and from that day on, I am fascinated I want to have a look of the stars in the sky why will blinkthe Milky way is how beautiful the space, the universe and how much mystery, I want to become a member of theJiuquan command center, I don't want to be astronauts,do not want to become a spacecraft designer, but want to be that not many people know commander, my idol has become Chinese NASA commander.

I wanna see why these stars in the sky are blnking, how the galaxy is so beautiful and how many secrets are there in the universe. I wanna be a member of Jiuquan Command Centre, instead of being an astronaut or a sapcecraft designer, I wanna be the rarely known zero commander and that commander in China Space Agency is actually my idol.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 23:12

I wanna see why these stars in the sky are blnking, how the galaxy is so beautiful and how many secrets are there in the universe. I wanna be a member of Jiuquan Command Centre, instead of being an astronaut or a sapcecraft designer, I wanna be the rarely known zero commander and that commander in China Space Agency is actually my idol.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 23:10

Space is my dream when I was four years old, the god seven launches, and from that day on, I am fascinated I want to have a look of the stars in the sky why will blinkthe Milky way is how beautiful the space, the universe and how much mystery, I want to become a member of theJiuquan command center, I don't want to be astronauts,do not want to become a spacecraft designer, but want to be that not many people know commander, my idol has become Chinese NASA commander.
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