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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-21 20:57



热心网友 时间:2024-04-23 05:55

As one of the sunrise industry in the new century, tourism plays a more and more important role in the social and economic development of China.. The traditional group tourism although in the tourism market will still occupy a considerable share, but due to its standardization and procedure makes people no longer meet in this way of travel, more and more people began to choose self-help travel, the full realization of the needs of their own personality, looking for a unique travel experience. Self tourism, as the new trend of the development of modern tourism, is the important symbol of the tourism industry to maturity..
Guided by the relevant theories of tourism demand, the problem of self-help tourism is the problems of the existence of self-help tourism, the imperfect of the self-help tourism infrastructure, the information of the information and the legal security.. In view of these problems, the Countermeasures of the government to the self-help tourism development, the tourism related industry to the self-help tourism development countermeasures and the self-help tourism support development of laws and regulations countermeasures.
With these measures, the self-help tourism in our country has a positive impact, and also provides some help for the development of tourism and self-help tourism..
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