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在书房隔壁 英语怎么说

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-06 00:33



热心网友 时间:2024-05-15 01:02

1.向左/右看 look to the left / right
2.遵守交规 obey the traffic rules
3. 在操场的中间 in the middle of the playground
4.在教室后面 at the back of the clasroom
5.在树上 in the tree
6.在书架上 on the bookshelf
7.进行户外活动 have outdoor activities
8.写一封信给笔友 write a letter to a pen-pal
9. 要去参观长城 be going to visit the Great Wall
10.差一刻到一点钟 a quarter to one
11.非常喜欢 like very much
12.向她学到很多 learn a lot from her
13.派某人做某事 send sb to do sth
14.在图书馆看书 read in the library
15.在空余时间 in the spare/free time
16.在7.40 at seven forty
go to Shanghai by plane/air
fly to Shanghai
18.休息一下 take/have a rest/break
19.在校门口 at the school gate
20.一个⑦(4)的学生 a student in Class Four Grade Seven

热心网友 时间:2024-05-15 01:02

1.向左/右看 look to the left / right
2.遵守交规 obey the traffic rules
3. 在操场的中间 in the middle of the playground
4.在教室后面 at the back of the clasroom
5.在树上 in the tree
6.在书架上 on the bookshelf
7.进行户外活动 have outdoor activities
8.写一封信给笔友 write a letter to a pen-pal
9. 要去参观长城 be going to visit the Great Wall
10.差一刻到一点钟 a quarter to one
11.非常喜欢 like very much
12.向她学到很多 learn a lot from her
13.派某人做某事 send sb to do sth
14.在图书馆看书 read in the library
15.在空余时间 in the spare/free time
16.在7.40 at seven forty
go to Shanghai by plane/air
fly to Shanghai
18.休息一下 take/have a rest/break
19.在校门口 at the school gate

热心网友 时间:2024-05-15 01:03

1. To the left / right 2 watch. 3 comply with cross-regulation. 4 in the middle of the playground. 5 back in the classroom. 6 in the trees. Bookcase up at 7. 8 outdoor activities. Penfriend Writing a letter to the 9. Want 10 go to visit the Great Wall. bad 11-minute to one o'clock. like 12. to 13, she learned a lot. 14 to send a person to do something. read books in the library 15. free time at 16. 17 at 7.40. ShangHai go by Plane (two) 18. take a break 19. 20 at the school gate. a ⑦ (4) the students how to say in English
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