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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 03:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 14:17

  The ocean is downstream of everything, so all of our actions, no matter where we live, effect the ocean and the marine life it holds. Those who live right on the coastline will have the most direct impact on the ocean, but even if you live far inland, there are many things you can do that will help marine life.

  Brand X Pictures/ Stockbyte/ Getty Images
  • Eat Eco-Friendly Fish
  Our food choices have a huge impact on the environment - from the actual items we eat to the way they are harvested, processed, and shipped. Going vegan is better for the environment, but you can take small steps in the right direction by eating eco-friendly fish and eating local as much as possible. If you eat seafood, eat fish that is harvested in a sustainable way, which means eating species that that have a healthy population, and whose harvest minimizes bycatch and impacts on the environment.
  • Limit Your Use of Plastics, Disposables and Single-Use Projects
  Have you heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? That is a name coined to describe the huge amounts of plastic bits and other marine debris floating in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, one of five major ocean gyres in the world. Sadly, all the gyres seem to have their own garbage patch.
  What is the problem? Plastic stays around for hundreds of years, can be a hazard to wildlife and leaches toxins into the environment. The solution? Stop using so much plastic. Buy things with less packaging, don't use disposable items and use reusable bags instead of plastic ones wherever possible.
  • Stop the Problem of Ocean Acidification
  Global warming has been a hot topic in the ocean world, and it is because of ocean acidification, known as 'the other global warming problem.' As the acidity of the oceans increases, it will have devastating impacts on marine life, including plankton, corals and shellfish, and the animals that eat them.
  But you can do something about this problem right now - rece global warming by taking simple steps that will likely save money in the long run - drive less, walk more, use less electricity and water - you know the drill. Lessening your "carbon footprint" will help marine life miles from your home. The idea of an acidic ocean is scary, but we can bring the oceans to a more healthy state with some easy changes in our behavior.
  • Be Energy-Efficient
  Along with the tip above, rece your energy consumption and carbon output wherever possible. This includes simple things like turning off the lights or TV when you're not in a room, and driving in a way that increases your fuel efficiency. As Amy, one of our 11-year old readers said, "It might sound strange, but being energy efficient helps the Arcticmarine mammals and fish because the less energy you use the less our climate heats up - then the ice won't melt."

  Volunteers at a beach cleanup in New Hampshire. © Jennifer Kennedy / Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation
  • Participate in a Cleanup
  Trash in the environment can be hazardous to marine life, and people too! Help clean up a local beach, park or roadway and pick up that litter before it gets into the marine environment. Even trash hundreds of miles from the ocean can eventually float or blow into the ocean. The International Coastal Cleanup is one way to get involved - that is a cleanup that occurs each September. You can also contact your local coastal zone management office or department of environmental protection to see if they organize any cleanups.
  • Never Release Balloons
  Balloons may look pretty when you release them, but they are a danger to wildlife, who can swallow them accidentally, mistake them for food, or get tangled up in their strings. After your party, pop the balloons and throw them in the trash instead of releasing them.

  California sea lion at Pier 39. Upon closer inspection, this sea lion appears to be entangled in monofilament fishing line. Courtesy John-Morgan, Flickr
  • Dispose of Fishing Line Responsibly
  Monofilament fishing line takes about 600 years to degrade. If left in the ocean, it can provide an entangling web that threatens whales, pinnipeds and fish (including the fish people like to catch and eat). Never discard your fishing lineinto the water - dispose of it responsibly by recycling it if you can, or into the garbage.

  Two humpback whales lunge-feeding near a whale watch boat as passengers look on in awe. © Jen Kennedy, Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation
  • View Marine Life Responsibly
  If you're going to be viewing marine life, take steps to do so responsibly. Watch marine life from the shore by going tide pooling. Take steps to plan a whale watch, diving trip or other excursion with a responsible operator. Think twice about "swim with dolphins" programs, which may not be good for dolphins and could even be harmful to people.

  Scuba diver and a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the Indian Ocean, Ningaloo Reef, Australia. Jeff Rotman / Getty Images
  • Volunteer or Work With Marine Life
  Maybe you work with marine life already, or are studying to become a marine biologist. Even if working with marine life isn't your career path, you can volunteer. If you live near the coast, volunteer opportunities may be easy to find. If not, you can volunteer on field expeditions such as those offered by Earthwatch as Debbie, our guide to insects, has done, where she learned about sea turtles, wetlands and giant clams!
  • Buy Ocean-Friendly Gifts
  Give a gift that will help marine life. Memberships and honorary donations to non-profit organizations that protect marine life can be a great gift. How about a basket of environmentally-friendly bath or cleaning procts, or a gift certificate for a whale watch or snorkeling trip? And when you wrap your gift - be creative and use something that can be re-used, like a beach towel, dish towel, basket or gift bag.

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into the sea, the sea will pollution. Cause fishdeath, water depletion. We should keep our environment, to protect the beautiful sea.海洋里生存着鱼和各种化学物质,对人类很重要。但是许多人类喜欢向海里投垃圾,海水就会污染。导致鱼儿死亡,海水枯竭。我们应该保持环境,一起保护美丽的大海。


鲸鱼是巨大的动物。他们住在大海和吃小的鱼类和其他海洋生物。一个兴趣刺痛的事实是鲸鱼能跳很高的水。某些种类的鲸鱼是危险的,因为人类抓注,脂肪,油,用鲸鱼部分做蜡烛和肥皂。从水污染鲸鱼也处于危险之中。我们应该保护鲸鱼,鲸鱼保护规则,不把垃圾放入大海。我认为人们应该更多的了解鲸鱼 【关于鲸鱼的一篇英语作文】...


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The ocean is downstream of everything, so all of our actions, no matter where we live, effect the ocean and the marine life it holds. Those who live right on the coastline will have the most direct impact on the ocean, but even if you live far inland, there are many ...


here are many kinds of animals in the world,but not only the humans.we live in the same world,and we should be friends.as everybody knows,the humans are the rulers of the world today,so we should protect our friends--the animals!but how to protect them?as first,i think ...

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