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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-03 00:17



热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 04:24


In our big Chinese family, there are poor rural areas and bustling big cities. And we are living in Shenzhen city with good conditions and good environment. Just when we live a happy life, we sometimes complain about things like more homework and less pocket money.

Have we ever thought about the poor places under the same sky with us, some even schools are not able to build, in our eyes is a very ordinary computer, they may not know what it is growing Looks like it is also facing the trouble of dropping out of school.

 I hope you can stretch out your hands and help the poor areas without schools to build the Hope Primary School. Regardless of the amount of money, all you donate is your heart. Take action and help the poor areas create a harmonious campus!





热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 04:23

Fundraising for a Remote Primary School
Dear colleagues,
I would like to take some time to talk about a fundraising project I am passionate about. This project involves raising funds for a small primary school in a remote area.
The situation of this school is quite alarming. Due to its location in a remote area, the school is struggling to provide necessary facilities and resources for students. With a limited budget, the school cannot afford to purchase new textbooks or renovate the school building. The students are so eager to learn, yet they are being held back by the lack of resources.
That's why I am asking for your help. By making a donation to this school, you can make a big difference. Even the smallest contribution can help to provide a better learning environment for these children.
Moreover, there are many reasons why you should consider donating. By donating, you will be contributing to the development of the education system in a remote area, which is crucial for the future of the country. Education is the foundation of progress, and every child deserves access to quality education.
Additionally, your donation can make a huge impact on the lives of these children. You can give them hope and inspiration for a brighter future. Just imagine the smiles on their faces when they receive new books, or the excitement they'll feel when they see their renovated classroom.
In conclusion, I urge you all to support this project and make a donation. Your contribution, no matter how small, can have a big impact on the lives of these children. Let's come together and make a difference!
Thank you for your consideration.
[Your Name]
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