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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-02 21:54



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 19:45

Customer the relation management( CRM) is a kind of aim is passing to provide sooner and soon and thoughtful of high-quality service attraction and keep more customers, raise the new management mechanism of the business enCustomer the relation management( CRM) is a kind of aim is passing to provide sooner and soon and thoughtful of high-quality service attraction and keep more customers, raise the new management mechanism of the business enterprise sale profits.terprise sale profits.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 19:45

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is intended to provide a faster and more thoughtful quality to attract and retain more customers , increase profits and the new management mechanism. CRM's aim is to satisfy each customer's unique requirements with each client to establish ties Through liaison with the client to understand the different needs of customers, and on this basis, "one-on-one" personalized service. Usually CRM including sales management, marketing management, customer service and call centers and other areas. So many powerful functions of this sophisticated corporate users, as a result, many enterprises have put the focus used to enhance their market competitiveness. Customer's consumption is the source of profit. Meet the diversified demands of customers, personalized service, and improve customer service levels enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty of the business, retain and develop more value to customers. be able to ensure that enterprises continue to develop. How can we through customer relationship management to create greater value for the enterprise. enterprises need to build what kind of CRM system?
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