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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-01 22:02



热心网友 时间:2024-07-25 15:01

Introduction of GH:

Genting Highlands, the most prestige hill resort in Malaysia, at an elevation of 2000 meter above the sea level is popular with visitors around the world. The resort offers accommodation to suit every budget and taste. The cool mountain weather and lush greenery makes for an ideal escapade away from the heat, hustle and bustle of the city. What’s more, it is only 45 minute drive from the Kuala Lumpur city.

A self-proclaimed City of Entertainment, Genting is as close to Las Vegas as it gets in Malaysia - which isn't actually all that close. The primary draw is that Genting is the only place where you can gamble legally in Malaysia, but there's also a theme park to keep the kids amused. As a plus, being located up in the highlands means it's cooler than the steamy lowlands.

The cool mountain air makes it an exhilarating experience to enjoy the many rides at the Outdoor Theme Park. Whether taking leisure drives in the Antique car or experiencing the adrenaline pumping Space Shot, it's a magical adventure of fun and excitement for the whole family.

Casino de Genting offers a host of exciting international games, among the more popular of which are: Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack and Caribbean Stud Poker. Jackpot machines are the added attractions. International class shows and live entertaiment provide the accompanying glitz and glamour.
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