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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-11 09:20



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 17:47

Naruto Uzumaki is a comic character created cartoonist Masashi Kishimoto.Naruto lives in a world of ninja which is consisted of four major countries. Naruto lives in a village called Konoha. He was born with exceptional ability which made his compatriot distaste and fear him. Naruto's father,the late leader of Konoha Village confined the Nine tails Fox into his body in order to spare the village from destruction,which became the cause of Naruto's exceptional power, However when Naruto was kid he had little control over his ability.Therefore,he often got excluded from the usual social circle. However,that not only failed to discourge him,on the contrary,he became surprisingly optimistic. With the help and instruction of the few people who still cared about Naruto, He became growingly strong and competitive with the guide of his teacher Kakashi and encourgement of his teammates also the best friends Sakura and Sasuke.After the test of tasks and practice he became the man of imghty power and got the way to manipulate the monster inside him.He is now working with the union of the four major countries in opposition of the A ka tsu ki which is a powerful organization made up of rebel ninjas and capture monsters like the one inside Naruto. Now the A ka tsu ki has waged the fourth ninja world war against all countries refused to cooperate with them. Naruto has become a true hero and a superb ninja with keen observation and insight of current situation.With the help of Naruto we believe the justice will prevail in the end and Naruto himself will become a qualified ninja to lead a new generation.
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