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PLECS教程102:PLECS Blockset简介 (Introduction to PLECS Blockset)_百...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-11 23:30



热心网友 时间:2024-04-17 12:14

Welcome to the in-depth PLECS Blockset Tutorial, where we'll guide you through the essential features of this powerful simulation platform with step-by-step demonstrations of two circuit examples.

Getting Started

To begin, ensure you have PLECS Blockset installed and at your fingertips, along with the necessary reference materials. Let's delve into the RLC network example:

Open MATLAB and invoke plecslib to access the toolbox for efficient modeling.
Create a Simulink model as your canvas for building.
Drag and drop the "Circuit" block and explore the schematic interface.
Add electrical components, such as DC sources, inductors, resistors, and capacitors, from the library.
Identify Simulink vs. PLECS blocks for clarity in your workflow.
Interconnect components using signal flow to represent non-electrical information.
Clone components to match the reference model for accuracy.
Connect terminals between elements with precision.

Refer to figures 1, 2, and 3 for visual aids throughout the process, and follow the guidelines closely.

Practical Exercises

Practice by RLC circuit assembly, connecting a voltage source to an oscilloscope.
Challenge yourself: match the "rlc_network_2.mdl" model by adjusting parameters.
Understand the Simulink solver settings and time constraints.
Advance your model's dynamics: introduce controlled voltage sources and pulses.
Master communication between PLECS and Simulink via port blocks.

Next, explore the Buck converter using ideal switches and diodes:

Create a new model with these components, targeting the "buck_converter_1.mdl" layout.
Utilize sub-systems to organize your electrical components.
Connect signals and ensure your model matches "buck_converter_2.mdl".

Advanced Controllers

Incorporate lag compensation and simulate voltage control in PLECS:

Build a controller for the buck converter, following figure 14.
Create the corresponding Simulink model, "buck_converter_3_simulink.mdl", using probe blocks.


Don't forget to explore PLECS' demo models for inspiration and further learning. Remember, all content is copyrighted by Plexim GmbH, and permission for reproduction is granted through Infomatic (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.

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