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你好 我是一名即将上初一的学生 我能帮我把初一各门学科每一单元每一...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-13 00:24



热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 00:15

人教版英语上册 你是不是人教版的
1、 first name
2. last/family name
3. my family photo
= a photo of my family
4. in the first photo
5. in the next photo
6. in the school library
7. in the classroom
8. in Classroom 7E
9. in China/No.1 Middle School
10. call me at…
11. ask me/him for help
12. a set of keys
13. on the sofa
14. under the chair
15. on his head
16. in my grandparents’ room
17. How do you spell it, please?
= Spell it, please.
= Can you spell it, please?
18. I am Grace.
= My name’s Grace.
19. What’s your name?
= Who are you?
20. Here are two nice photos of my family.
21. Thanks/Thank you for your help.
22. You’re welcome.
23. Excuse me.
24. Where are those rulers?
They’re in the pencil-case.
25. Gina always asks.
26. He is always late.
27. Let’s play basketball.
28. Let me get it.
29. Let him watch TV.
30. That sounds…
31. Music sounds…
32. I don’t have a volleyball, but my brother does.
33. I play soccer, but he doesn’t.
34. I am tidy, but she isn’t.
35. Gina’s books are everywhere.
36. This book is on the table.

1. go to the same school
2. go to play basketball
3. three tomatoes/radios
4. some strawberries
5. an ice-cream
6. a salad
7. some milk
8. some chicken
9. some chickens
10. think about
11. fruit and vegetables
12. vegetable salad
13. eat well
14. play soccer well
15. ask her about her eating habit
16. healthy food
17. one last question
18. after class/dinner
19. want to be fat/tall
20. want to watch TV/buy clothes
eg: He wants to buy clothes in all colors.

21. a pair of socks/trousers/shoes/
22. three short blue sweaters
23. two pairs of small red shoes
24. sports shoes
= shoes for sports
25. look nice
26. This is my ruler, but not yours.
27. Are those his dictionaries?
--No, they are hers.
28. After class, we play soccer with our classmates.
29. My brother and I are in the same school.
30. Does he like tomatoes?
--Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
31. What fruit/food/sport do they like?
32. What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
33. He really likes carrots and bread.
34. Mary doesn’t want to have an English test at school.
35. How much are these trousers?
= How much is this pair of trousers?
= What’s the price of these trousers?
36. I’ll take it/them.

1. a sweater for school
2. at our great sale
3. on sale
4. clothes in all colors
5. a red skirt
= a skirt in red
6. for boys/girls/women
7. buy/sell trousers for 5 yuan
8. buy/sell… at the price of 5 yuan
9. two dollars for a pair
10. in January/February/
11. on January 12th
12. on Wednesday morning
= on the morning of Wednesday
13. twelve years old
14. have an art festival
15. have an English test
16. have a school trip
17. happy birthday to him
18. Children’s Day
19. Women’s Day
20. Teachers’ Day
21. Come to Mr. Cool’s great sale!
22. Come to/and buy your clothes at our great sale.
23. T-shirts are only twelve dollars.
24. He needs a dictionary for 10 yuan.
=He needs a dictionary at the price of 10 yuan.
25. How old are you?
= What’s your age?
26. When are their birthdays?
27. When does he have a book sale?
28. He has a book sale in the school library on January 23rd.
29. We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.
30. This is a really busy term.
=This term is really busy.

1 like doing/to do
2 want to do
3 want to be
Eg: He wants to be a teacher.
He doesn’t want to be fat.
We want to be in No.1 Middle School.
4 let sb do
5 go/come to do
6 can do
7 be busy doing

1.have Chinese/math music/geography/ science
/ history
2. my favorite subject
3. their favorite fruit
4. my parents’ favorite vegetables
5. the next day
6. an easy subject
7. a useful subject
8. be busy doing
= be busy with sth
1. What are their favorite subjects?
= What subjects do they like?
= What subjects are their favorite?
2. How’s your day?
3. That’s for sure.
4. –Why do they like math?
--Because it’s difficult but interesting.
5. He likes playing soccer because it’s great fun.
6. –When’s Bob’s music class?
= When does Bob have music/a music class?
7. Chinese/The Chinese class is on Monday morning.
8. My teacher says math is useful, but I think it’s difficult.
9. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00.
10. All our classes finish at five this afternoon.
11. After that/Then, we have art/an art lesson for an hour.
12. I want to meet him on Thursday. Is that OK with him?
13. Who are they?
14. Who likes having English?
15. Our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang, is great fun. And he always plays games with us.

这是我们英语老师期末最后几天总结的 ,我拷贝下来了 ,去年期末
这么麻烦也不给点悬赏 。。。不够意思。。。。。。。。。。采纳一下

热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 00:08

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