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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-05 21:56



热心网友 时间:2024-04-22 22:34

n the picture we can see bird parents fly away from the big tree to find more food for their families, leaving their children behind at home. The small birds are lonely and sad in their empty nests. We can imagine the difficulty they will have living on their own.
The picture actually reflects a social phenomenon. In many rural areas of China, parents go to big cities to do migrant jobs though their young children need their love and care. As a result, new problems have arisen. Statistics show many children face psychological and emotional challenges. Some struggle to keep up with their lessons and end up dropping out to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Some others form bad habits or even commit crimes.
It’s high time to solve these problems. First, the local government should create more job opportunities for these breadwinners. Second, teachers should give left-behind children more caring love by visiting their homes regularly. As middle school students, we can ask them to live together with us in our own homes。
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