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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-05 14:57



热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 19:36

This article through the anhui economic data collection and processing, established the inputs economic growth model, explore various inputs and economic growth in anhui province, according to the relationship between economic growth process inputs, summarized the situation in anhui province, the real reason for economic growth for the future economic development put forward scientific advice to explore the deep reason of economic growth in anhui province, looking for economic growth potential in anhui province, and promote sustainable economic growth.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 19:34

This article based on the collecting and processing of Anhui economic data establishing a model of economic growth in factor inputs and exploring the relationship between various factor inputs and economic growth .Summarying up the real reasons of economic growth according to the factor inputs statue in the process of economic growth in Anhui Province,propounding the scientific suggestion for the future economic development, aiming at exploring the underly reasons of economic growth in Anhui Province ,searching the potential of economic growth, So as to promote the sustained and stable economic growth.
PS:Contempt for those who use translation software , so I try to translate ,Hope you'll like it!

热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 19:39

This paper constructs an economic growth model of element devotion by collecting and processing the economic data of Anhui Province; and by exploring the relationship between the various element devotions and the economic growth, as well as basing on the status of element devotions in the course of Anhui Province’s economic growth, this paper summarizes the actual reasons of its economic growth and offers scientific proposals for future economic development. The objective is to unearth the deep-rooted causes and potentials of Anhui Province’s economic growth, so as to promote the sustained and steady growth of Anhui’s economy.


热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 19:32

Based on the Anhui economic data collection and processing, establish a model of economic growth in factor inputs, factor inputs and explore the relationship between economic growth, according to the process of economic growth in Anhui Province, the situation of factor inputs, summed up the economy in Anhui Province The real cause of growth for future economic development of the recommendations put forward the scientific, economic growth in Anhui Province to explore the underlying causes, to find potential for economic growth, thereby promoting steady economic growth in Anhui Province.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-12 19:37

This article through the anhui economic data collection and processing, established the inputs economic growth model, explore various inputs and economic growth in anhui province, according to the relationship between economic growth process inputs, summarized the situation in anhui province, the real reason for economic growth for the future economic development put forward scientific advice to explore the deep reason of economic growth in anhui province, looking for economic growth potential in anhui province, and promote sustainable economic growth。
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