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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-09 08:04



热心网友 时间:2024-04-12 05:26

Claims Transfer Agreement

  Party (claims out of people):
  B (claims assignee):

  Party A and Party B, through friendly consultations on an equal and voluntary basis following agreement are provided to keep:
  First, as before the signing of this agreement, both parties recognized the same: As the date of signing of this Agreement, the Party entitled to claim against the debtor RMB yuan.
  Second, the above claims are transferred to Party B, Party B agrees to the transferee.
  Third, according to the book value of debt denominated, premium discount does not occur.
  Third, the representations, warranties and commitments
  1, Party assurances and guarantees:
  (1) The legally established and existing right under this Agreement to implement the transfer of debt and be able to independently assume civil liability;
  (2) the transfer of the claims department legal, valid claims.
  (3) the transfer of the rights of creditors, the debtor has informed the relevant
  2, B assurances and guarantees:
  (1) The legally established and existing right to the transferee under this Agreement and can independently assume civil liability claims;
  (2) the transferee's claim under this Agreement have access to the relevant authority of its internal authorization or approval.
  (3) involves taxes, by the second party.
  Fourth, breach of contract
  The parties agree that if either party breaches this Agreement by its representations, warranties, commitments or any other obligations, with the result or the occurrence of the other party suffered damages, losses and other liability, breach of contract compensation for the observant party shall submit to the innocent party suffers a all economic losses.
  V. Other provisions
  1, any changes made to this Agreement and added that must be in writing signed by authorized parties.
  2, in the course of implementation of this agreement disputes, both sides should be settled through friendly consultations; the negotiation fails, either party may have jurisdiction over the domicile of the Party's people's court.
  3, This Agreement shall enter into force when signed and sealed by both parties, a total of two copies, each party holds one, all copies have the same legal effect.
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