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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-08 20:49



热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 02:52

Durban is a port city in South Africa. Located in the KwaZulu-Natal province, Durban, locally known as eThekwini, means "the bay" in Zulu. With a population of over three million, it is referred to as "Africa's best-managed city" and is also renowned as the "International Conference Capital." Durban serves as a driving force for economic growth in the region, expanding the Art Deco style from the colonial Biryani suburbs to the business district. Despite adopting many American architectural styles in newer seaport cities, Durban still reflects its maritime heritage. The Grey Street area is home to Muslim merchants who have been integrating religious symbolism into their building decorations since the early 20th century.
Historically, the area was inhabited as early as 1.5 million years ago during the Stone Age. Stone tools were found in the Drakensberg Mountains, and the abaThwa people lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle there tens of thousands of years ago. They resided in the interior of Natal until African tribes moved into the area about two thousand years ago. In 1824, the brilliant military leader Shaka Zulu united several Nguni clans to form the Zulu nation. From then on, a vast region from the north of the Usukela River to the south of the Mzimkulu River was under Zulu rule. The amaThuli and amaCele people of Durban were also incorporated into Shaka's kingdom. This information is referenced from Baidu Encyclopedia - Durban.
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