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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 08:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:10

Conflict of interest
1. The two sides will formulate regulations to require all directors, managers and other personnel are not allowed to happen with their personal conflict of interest in the company, but under this Agreement by the parties of the approval of their superiors and by the director under this Agreement relative to the written consent of the parties of this transaction is not restricted.
2. The two sides have to make a reasonable effort and monitoring in order to avoid any conct or circumstances sufficient to cause the other party to their own interests and the best interests of the conflict happened. The efforts of the two sides should include but not limited to the establishment of preventive measures to avoid their employees and their families or agents to give or accept gifts, dinner, payments or other benefits, thus affecting the impact of the employee to make the best interests of both sides.
3, the 74th article in the protocol from the date of the signing of 30 calendar days written notice to the other two sides have to specify the coordination of the implementation of the agreement on behalf of and contact address, so that under the agreement to coordinate operations. Any party may replace its Coordinator at any time, but must give written notice to the other side.
4, the 75th article in the protocol entered into force on or before, as well as the implementation of the protocol when necessary, the parties shall be notified to send representatives to each other their names and the powers conferred. The two sides have the right to advance written notice to the other requirements of the withdrawal or cancellation of any such dispatch and authorization.
5, the 76th issued under the agreement without notice or other communication shall be in writing and sent to or issued under this rule to determine the address or fax number sent to the parties of any notice or other communication in the case of shall be deemed to be served under:
1. If in person or by messenger to send, at the sender to obtain proof of delivery time;
2. If the fax sent and received by fax at issue have been issued to determine the transmission of the report.
3. Recognition of the way the other two sides
Under this Agreement the parties of the communication address is as follows:


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:11

3, the 74th article in the protocol from the date of the signing of 30 calendar days written notice to the other two sides have to specify the coordination of the implementation of the agreement on behalf of and contact address, so that under the agreement to coordinate operations. Any party may replace its Coordinator at any time, but must give written notice to the other side. 4, the 75th article in the protocol entered into force on or before, as well as the implementation of the protocol when necessary, the parties shall be notified to send representatives to each other their names and the powers conferred. The two sides have the right to advance written notice to the other requirements of the withdrawal or cancellation of any such dispatch and authorization.

5, the 76th issued under the agreement without notice or other communication shall be in writing and sent to or issued under this rule to determine the address or fax number sent to the parties of any notice or other communication in the case of should be considered under the service: 1. If the person or by messenger to send, at the sender to obtain proof of delivery time; 2. If the fax sent and received by fax at issue have been issued to determine the transmission of the report. 3. Recognition of other ways the two sides under the agreement of the parties to the communication address is as follows:

One conflict of interest. The two sides will formulate regulations to require all directors, managers and other personnel are not allowed to happen with their personal conflict of interest in the company, but under this Agreement by the parties of the approval of higher authorities and by the protocol under the written consent of the parties relative to the transaction from this restriction. 2.

The two sides have to make a reasonable effort and monitoring in order to avoid any conct or circumstances sufficient to cause the other party to their own interests and the best interests of the conflict happened. The efforts of the two sides should include but not limited to the establishment of preventive measures to avoid their employees and their families or agents to give or accept gifts, dinner, payments or other benefits, thus affecting the impact of the employee to make the best interests of both sides.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:10

Conflict of interest
1. The two sides will formulate regulations to require all directors, managers and other personnel are not allowed to happen with their personal conflict of interest in the company, but under this Agreement by the parties of the approval of their superiors and by the director under this Agreement relative to the written consent of the parties of this transaction is not restricted.
2. The two sides have to make a reasonable effort and monitoring in order to avoid any conct or circumstances sufficient to cause the other party to their own interests and the best interests of the conflict happened. The efforts of the two sides should include but not limited to the establishment of preventive measures to avoid their employees and their families or agents to give or accept gifts, dinner, payments or other benefits, thus affecting the impact of the employee to make the best interests of both sides.
3, the 74th article in the protocol from the date of the signing of 30 calendar days written notice to the other two sides have to specify the coordination of the implementation of the agreement on behalf of and contact address, so that under the agreement to coordinate operations. Any party may replace its Coordinator at any time, but must give written notice to the other side.
4, the 75th article in the protocol entered into force on or before, as well as the implementation of the protocol when necessary, the parties shall be notified to send representatives to each other their names and the powers conferred. The two sides have the right to advance written notice to the other requirements of the withdrawal or cancellation of any such dispatch and authorization.
5, the 76th issued under the agreement without notice or other communication shall be in writing and sent to or issued under this rule to determine the address or fax number sent to the parties of any notice or other communication in the case of shall be deemed to be served under:
1. If in person or by messenger to send, at the sender to obtain proof of delivery time;
2. If the fax sent and received by fax at issue have been issued to determine the transmission of the report.
3. Recognition of the way the other two sides
Under this Agreement the parties of the communication address is as follows:


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:11

3, the 74th article in the protocol from the date of the signing of 30 calendar days written notice to the other two sides have to specify the coordination of the implementation of the agreement on behalf of and contact address, so that under the agreement to coordinate operations. Any party may replace its Coordinator at any time, but must give written notice to the other side. 4, the 75th article in the protocol entered into force on or before, as well as the implementation of the protocol when necessary, the parties shall be notified to send representatives to each other their names and the powers conferred. The two sides have the right to advance written notice to the other requirements of the withdrawal or cancellation of any such dispatch and authorization.

5, the 76th issued under the agreement without notice or other communication shall be in writing and sent to or issued under this rule to determine the address or fax number sent to the parties of any notice or other communication in the case of should be considered under the service: 1. If the person or by messenger to send, at the sender to obtain proof of delivery time; 2. If the fax sent and received by fax at issue have been issued to determine the transmission of the report. 3. Recognition of other ways the two sides under the agreement of the parties to the communication address is as follows:

One conflict of interest. The two sides will formulate regulations to require all directors, managers and other personnel are not allowed to happen with their personal conflict of interest in the company, but under this Agreement by the parties of the approval of higher authorities and by the protocol under the written consent of the parties relative to the transaction from this restriction. 2.

The two sides have to make a reasonable effort and monitoring in order to avoid any conct or circumstances sufficient to cause the other party to their own interests and the best interests of the conflict happened. The efforts of the two sides should include but not limited to the establishment of preventive measures to avoid their employees and their families or agents to give or accept gifts, dinner, payments or other benefits, thus affecting the impact of the employee to make the best interests of both sides.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:10

Conflict of interest
1. The two sides will formulate regulations to require all directors, managers and other personnel are not allowed to happen with their personal conflict of interest in the company, but under this Agreement by the parties of the approval of their superiors and by the director under this Agreement relative to the written consent of the parties of this transaction is not restricted.
2. The two sides have to make a reasonable effort and monitoring in order to avoid any conct or circumstances sufficient to cause the other party to their own interests and the best interests of the conflict happened. The efforts of the two sides should include but not limited to the establishment of preventive measures to avoid their employees and their families or agents to give or accept gifts, dinner, payments or other benefits, thus affecting the impact of the employee to make the best interests of both sides.
3, the 74th article in the protocol from the date of the signing of 30 calendar days written notice to the other two sides have to specify the coordination of the implementation of the agreement on behalf of and contact address, so that under the agreement to coordinate operations. Any party may replace its Coordinator at any time, but must give written notice to the other side.
4, the 75th article in the protocol entered into force on or before, as well as the implementation of the protocol when necessary, the parties shall be notified to send representatives to each other their names and the powers conferred. The two sides have the right to advance written notice to the other requirements of the withdrawal or cancellation of any such dispatch and authorization.
5, the 76th issued under the agreement without notice or other communication shall be in writing and sent to or issued under this rule to determine the address or fax number sent to the parties of any notice or other communication in the case of shall be deemed to be served under:
1. If in person or by messenger to send, at the sender to obtain proof of delivery time;
2. If the fax sent and received by fax at issue have been issued to determine the transmission of the report.
3. Recognition of the way the other two sides
Under this Agreement the parties of the communication address is as follows:


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 18:11

3, the 74th article in the protocol from the date of the signing of 30 calendar days written notice to the other two sides have to specify the coordination of the implementation of the agreement on behalf of and contact address, so that under the agreement to coordinate operations. Any party may replace its Coordinator at any time, but must give written notice to the other side. 4, the 75th article in the protocol entered into force on or before, as well as the implementation of the protocol when necessary, the parties shall be notified to send representatives to each other their names and the powers conferred. The two sides have the right to advance written notice to the other requirements of the withdrawal or cancellation of any such dispatch and authorization.

5, the 76th issued under the agreement without notice or other communication shall be in writing and sent to or issued under this rule to determine the address or fax number sent to the parties of any notice or other communication in the case of should be considered under the service: 1. If the person or by messenger to send, at the sender to obtain proof of delivery time; 2. If the fax sent and received by fax at issue have been issued to determine the transmission of the report. 3. Recognition of other ways the two sides under the agreement of the parties to the communication address is as follows:

One conflict of interest. The two sides will formulate regulations to require all directors, managers and other personnel are not allowed to happen with their personal conflict of interest in the company, but under this Agreement by the parties of the approval of higher authorities and by the protocol under the written consent of the parties relative to the transaction from this restriction. 2.

The two sides have to make a reasonable effort and monitoring in order to avoid any conct or circumstances sufficient to cause the other party to their own interests and the best interests of the conflict happened. The efforts of the two sides should include but not limited to the establishment of preventive measures to avoid their employees and their families or agents to give or accept gifts, dinner, payments or other benefits, thus affecting the impact of the employee to make the best interests of both sides.
...每次文字比较多超出屏幕大小就不知道怎么截屏,求教大佬! 我国政策性 广西明士清医疗器械有限公司怎么样? 广西禾力药业有限公司怎么样? 广西龙母圣商贸有限公司怎么样? 安徽合肥有什么去痔的好地方 我女朋友的谷丙转氨酶过高(达到121),而且两对半检测为阴性,是肝功能有... 泸州丽人女子医院开展科室 自由之子本次世界杯是否将在小组赛中被菜? 世界杯谁会嬴 求经营合同的翻译!英翻中··· 合同能源管理项目合同 哪位大神帮忙翻译一下。跪求。跪求。不胜感激 合同监督管理翻译成英语是什么?? 英语翻译 我平时的工作主要是 负责管理合同以及人事和后勤的一些事务 管理合同需要英译中翻译 经济园区的园区怎么翻译,garden ?park?zone?帮我翻下:1.园区管理合同 2.本合同 得力考勤机下载怎么选择日期 得力打卡机,怎么导出考勤 汤鱼的做法 鱼生汤怎么做才好吃? 活鱼汤怎样做 娱乐圈哪些明星拍吻戏出过意外呢? 《我们都要好好的》刘涛和杨烁太拧巴,两条感情线预示两人不搭?_百度知 ... 杨烁为什么会败给小奶狗,刘涛离婚的原因传递出女性什么需求? 已婚男星杨烁深夜与美女乘百万豪车一同回家,已婚男这么做合适吗? 刘涛和杨烁是什么关系? 刘涛的新剧一开始就有吻戏,这剧情发展是否太快了? 刘涛和杨烁二次搭戏,这对荧屏cp今后还会继续拍《欢乐颂2》吗? 假日暖洋洋刘涛吻戏在第几集 杨烁刘涛多次亲密举止,是纯友谊还是早已两情相悦? 合同翻译,急!!! 关于 合同的翻译 电脑配置(笔记本游戏本)? 请问,我想在微信公众平号做一个类似于饿了么美团百度外卖的平台,我申请公司时的经营范围应该怎么填? 王者荣耀如何踢出小队里已经角色转移的队友? 云南个人失业保险缴费查询 昆明失业保险在什么地方查询 怎么查昆明失业保险 昆明养老保险和失业保险能否在网上查询。如果能,请给出网址。 昆明市失业保险电话 昆明市失业保险电话是多少钱 云南省失业保险 云南失业保险缴费比例 云南省最新失业保险缴费基数 菏泽标志设计哪家好? 山东丰格瑞标识有限公司怎么样? 山东中企商标事务所有限公司怎么样? 山东金盾标志服有限公司怎么样? 山东诚诺商标事务所有限公司怎么样? 山东方宇商标事务所有限公司怎么样?