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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-21 05:11



热心网友 时间:2024-02-12 09:58

Spring is coming! 春天来了!
The weather is getting warmer and warmer. 天气越来越暖和了。
Flowers are booming, and birds are singing. 花儿开了,鸟儿唱歌。
Trees burgeon. 树也发芽了。
People get ready for a new year. 人们为了新的一年而做好了准备。

Since the Qin generation, our country on continuously to the springbeginning has taken the spring the start. The spring beginning iscomes up the division from the astronomy, but in the nature, inpeople's mind, spring is warm, beautiful spring day; Spring is thegrowth, does farm work to sow seeds. In the climatology, spring isrefers to the period of five days (5 days is a period of five days)the average temperature 10 ℃ to 22 ℃ time intervals.
When to spring beginning, the people obviously felt the daytime, thesun has steadily warmed. The temperature, the sunshine, rain, thisoften is in a year center the turning point, tends to the rise orincreases. The Xiaochun crops growing trend speeds up, the rape pullsout when the liver moss and the wheat jointing the water consumptionincreases, should promptly water the topdressing, the promotiongrowth. The farmer's proverb reminds the people spring beginning rainwater, keeping long hours sense " Spring prepared for plowingalso starts.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-12 09:58

Spring lasts from March to May in Beijing. It's the best season of the year. It's neither too cold nor too hot. In pring, everything begins to grow. Grass turns green and flowers come out. Most people like this season of the year. They can fly kites and go to the parks.
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