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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 08:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 15:00

Talking about myself
My name is Liu Fang. I’m a Chinese girl. I live in Yanji, a city in Jilin Province(吉林省). I’m eleven years old and my birthday is in June. I’m in No.1 Primary School(第一小学). I can speak a little English. English is my favorite subject. It’s very interesting. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult.I like playing basketball (like doing something喜欢做某事) with friends after school. I have a happy family. My mother is a nurse (*)and my father is a policeman(*). I love them very much.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 15:00

My name is xx. I am 12 years old. I come from China. I am in Grade 6 Class 4.I like computer and P.E.Because it is very interting.I can learn many knowledge form computer.Do exercise can make me stronger.And I have 2 friends,Li Lei and Han Tao.We always play basketball at afternoon.This is real me.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 15:00

Talking about myself
My name is Liu Fang. I’m a Chinese girl. I live in Yanji, a city in Jilin Province(吉林省). I’m eleven years old and my birthday is in June. I’m in No.1 Primary School(第一小学). I can speak a little English. English is my favorite subject. It’s very interesting. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult.I like playing basketball (like doing something喜欢做某事) with friends after school. I have a happy family. My mother is a nurse (*)and my father is a policeman(*). I love them very much.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 15:00

My name is xx. I am 12 years old. I come from China. I am in Grade 6 Class 4.I like computer and P.E.Because it is very interting.I can learn many knowledge form computer.Do exercise can make me stronger.And I have 2 friends,Li Lei and Han Tao.We always play basketball at afternoon.This is real me.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 15:00

Talking about myself
My name is Liu Fang. I’m a Chinese girl. I live in Yanji, a city in Jilin Province(吉林省). I’m eleven years old and my birthday is in June. I’m in No.1 Primary School(第一小学). I can speak a little English. English is my favorite subject. It’s very interesting. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult.I like playing basketball (like doing something喜欢做某事) with friends after school. I have a happy family. My mother is a nurse (*)and my father is a policeman(*). I love them very much.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 15:00

My name is xx. I am 12 years old. I come from China. I am in Grade 6 Class 4.I like computer and P.E.Because it is very interting.I can learn many knowledge form computer.Do exercise can make me stronger.And I have 2 friends,Li Lei and Han Tao.We always play basketball at afternoon.This is real me.

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1, Hi! My name is lisa.I am twelve years old. I am a good student. And I am a girl . I am not handsome but I am very lovely .I am study in ... shool. The shool is very good and beautiful.I like it very much. I have big eyes and my ears are big too. But...


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Lively, cheerful, optimistic, upward, adaptable, diligent, studious, serious, responsible, resolute and brave to meet new challenges.活泼开朗乐观向上适应力强勤奋好学认真负责坚毅不拔勇于迎接新挑战。Good at business, with good communication potential and team spirit.擅长业务具有良好的沟通潜力...


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1. 自我介绍 英语作文 开头 结尾 To introduce myself(介绍我自己)Hello,every one!(大家好)My name is *** . (我叫***)I'm a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao...


too.I like make friends,and i am happy to make friends with you. That' all .Thanks for your lisening. 大家好,我很高兴做自我介绍. 我的名字是陈玉霞,我13岁,目前居住在南宁,我家有四口人.我是一个容易相处和热心肠的人.在学校里我和同学老师相处的很好,在家里表现得也不错.我经常帮...


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