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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 03:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:58

  Needed materials:
  Pig fillet meat 300 grams, green pepper, carrot each 30 grams, onion 2, garlic 2 grains, egg-yolk 1, soy sauce 1 big spoon, starch 1 small spoon, ketchup 2 big spoons, white vinegar, sugar each 1 big spoon, rice wine, salt, linseed oil each 1 small spoon.

  Manufacture method:
  1st, the pig fillet meat cleaning, cuts the scrap, puts in the bowl to join the soy sauce 1 big spoon and the egg-yolk salt mixes 10 minutes; After the green pepper goes to the pencle and the seed cleans, cuts the scrap; The carrot goes to the skin, the cleaning, the slice; The onion cleaning, the garlic goes to the skin, even stage equipment.

  2nd, in the pot pours into 3 big spoons oils to burn the heat, puts in the fillet to fry to 7 minute is ripely abundant; In the pot -odd oil continues to burn the heat, explodes the fragrant onion and the garlic, puts in the green pepper, the carrot fries ripely, joins the ketchup 2 big spoons and has fried the fillet meat to fry to gets interested then.

  Color light yellow,The shape smooth is fullOutside the pine crisp crisp is fragrant,In soft tender is tasty.
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