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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 00:57



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 20:26


1. Central St. Martins College of Art & Design, London UK
Central St. Martins is a great art and design college in the UK. This is one of the more prominent design schools in Europe having ties to many creative instries around the world. This school offers many different design programs that you can choose from if you decide to go. The notable alumni’s that have graated from this college can be viewed on the school's home page.

2. University of Art & Design, Helsinki Finland
The University is over 138 years old and is dedicated to many different forms of design like media art, and motion graphics. You will definitely get a well-rounded ecation in this school because of its renowned curriculum.

3.Umea Institute of Design, Sweden
This Swedish institute has a multitude of interesting design orientated classes and is renowned as the best art school in all of Sweden. The institute was even featured as one of the best design schools in the world 2 years running by BusinessWeek. Only about 14 students are accepted annually to their bachelors program so this is definitely a hard school to get into, but you won’t regret it if you do.

4.Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
With their school mantra being “Mind over Matter” we can already tell this school is dedicated to learning. Although it is not known for its graphic design program, the school is recognized for architecture and instrial design.


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