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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-04 12:31



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 13:33

Abstract: The bamboo shoots have the high nutritional value, richly contains the cellulose, can promote the stomach to wriggle, eliminates greasy, relieves people's Repugnantly eats the thing the symptom
, reces in vivo the fat, has effect which prolongs the life. Therefore, in recent years bamboo shoots class proct deeply general consumers' affection. The present paper on to develops one bamboo shoots class unique processing method, carries on the elaboration, makes the bamboo shoots class proct the nutrition rich between-meal snack which easy to carry, the bamboo shoots class proct if will invest the market to have broad front

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 13:34



Bamboo shoots are high in nutrition and fibre.They have such functions: encouraging gastrointestinal peristalsis,offsetting fat,removing anorexia nervosa and prolonging our lives.As a result,consumers are much taken with bamboo-shoot procts recent years.This article are elaborating on a distinctive processing method of procing a bamboo-shoot snack which is nutritious and portable.Once on market,bamboo-shoot procts will have bright prospects.

若需修改,可留言到 QQ:395334918

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 13:34

Abstract: Bamboo shoots are of high nutrient values. Abundant in fibers, bamboo shoots can improve bowel movements, rece greasiness, relieve anorexia, and proce longevity. Therefore, bamboo shoot food has been widely welcomed by customers. This article describes a unique method of processing bamboo shoots into a portable and nutritious snack. This bamboo shoot proct will have a broad market.
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