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求毕业论文英语翻译 高手请进 非常感谢 !!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-05 14:08



热心网友 时间:2024-01-11 05:32

I'm a Chinese student, I liked design instry, has almost three years time learning design. Very glad to attend the game. thank
Traffic developed, marks, relatively developed city traffic management is more important. For complex urban transportation system, in order to ensure safety, ensure the normal order of the traffic signal control, crossroads must according to certain rules, in order to change traffic can smoothly through the intersection. Many people, such as school factory sections, poured peak for pedestrian safety and rece traffic accidents, should have traffic lights to ensure traffic safety. In different periods, the same section of the visitors will vary considerably. This requires traffic lights work according to the different period in different mode. Due to the microcontroller is cheap, easy to use and powerful function, high reliability, flexible characteristic. This subject adopts single-chip 89S51 series to realize the intersection traffic lights, and shows the time by direct control of PA, 8255 PB, traffic signal output by mouth. Use red mouth PC output, green and yellow traffic lights ChuHangRen instructions, and the current time, can according to work in judgment should now be what kind of mode according to the actual need to adjust system and the date and time. Completed the topic request all functions.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-11 05:33

The developed, a city of traffic management, the more important. the complexity of the city traffic system in order to ensure the safety and ensure the normal traffic, at the signal control is necessary to change the rules for traffic can pass the intersection. crowds of the roads, for example, the school factory. people rush hour for the safety and rece traffic accidents happened, should be provided to ensure that the traffic lights, traffic
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