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帮忙把这段中文翻译成英文 急急急

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-07 13:06



热心网友 时间:2024-03-06 16:22

He is a rare talent, and did not waste the genius, but with a number of times to do better. His professional spirit of their profession, consumers have sincere love and the whole heart into new areas, trying a new breakthrough and repeatedly and success. He is ZuoCiGu Hong Kong association with the "music composer appointed ambassador" thirty, composing the lyrics, eight, wrote songs successively obtained "top ten Chinese golden melody awards", "the recent golden melody awards", "China's original music award for" etc, five finalists film festival award nominated best original songs, and won the best original movie "song of". He served as expediting records of Hong Kong music album won the highest award for almost all, he served as art director's concert was evaluation standard for the master, he has to design, modelling concert, dancing, he praised by many instry MTV movie director, music and video are widely praised. For many years, he never satisfied with the existing achievements of courage, with special artistic level and continuous innovation spirit guide instry, whether the summer fashion youth or the elegant middle-aged, his expression is always stand in the most sophisticated fashion.

He is the legend of Hong Kong and myth, "five hundred years before the famous", a talent and grade, full of stars shine and thorough marrow of charm, royal general nobility and bearing the elegant demeanour poor prince in the entertainment instry and dishes, many times in the "most popular entertainers", "top 10 reds performing", "top 10 healthy image", "top 10 beautiful person" top election. However, with the stage of halfback, romantic, screen, decadent changeful wild life in his image, on the contrary, traditional style, personality, low-key, respectful, pure, to work, to cause serious, responsible for family, for love, respect and loyalty of predecessors to junior to friends sincerely, helped to fans kind, life events section, without defeat worthy person, has nearly perfect character. Through ups is enhanced his tenacity, no change his a pure heart, even in severe depression, the pain is still deeply love the life, society, active public welfare undertakings, try our best to help the people around, never complain. The extraordinary personality charm that he is not a star, it is a noble artist, a memorable friend, a respected


热心网友 时间:2024-03-06 16:22

He is a rare artistic genius, and not only did not waste this talent, but with the effort to do more and better times. His professionalism and reputation of their heartfelt love and cherish the instry investment in dedicated, and constantly try new areas and new breakthroughs, and again a success. He is the lyricist and composer of Hong Kong Association for the appointment of a "music ambassador", three more than the first composer, lyricist eight, and write a song has won the "Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award", "Jade Solid Gold Award", "Chinese original Billboard Golden Melody Awards "and many other awards, five finalists nominated for Best Original Song Festival, and received the Golden Horse" Best Original Film Song Award. " He served as procer of the album received almost all of Hong Kong music recording the highest award category, he served as artistic director of the concert will be evaluated as a master level, he designed clothes for the concerts, modeling, choreography repeatedly praised by the instry He directed the MTV, music, movies and public service videos have been widely praised. Over the years, he has never been satisfied with the achievements, the courage to extraordinary artistic standards and innovative spirit to guide sustainable fashion instry, both in their prime of youth or a leisurely elegant middle-aged, he is always standing The most cutting-edge trend that one.

He is a legend and myth of our generation,"Only came out once for every five hundred years" Superman's talent and taste, full of spirit and depth of bone marrow star charm, royal and noble spirit of the general good lightly son style elegance both inside and outside the entertainment instry has long known, many in the" most popular artist, "" Top Ten Performing Arts , "Top Ten healthy image, "Top Ten handsome people, "topped the list of such election. However, on the silver screen and stage in the avant-garde, romantic, wild, decadent image of the opposite variable , his life, character, tradition and style of low-key, courteous, pure hearted, the cause of serious, rigorous work, to family responsibility, love loyalty, to respect the older generation of younger help, enthusiasm of friends, kind to fans, life events section of conscience, no loss to people, with nearly perfect character. through the ups and downs only adds to his tenacity, he has not changed a Santa Claus, even in being tortured by the pain of severe depression under still love life, care for the community to actively join the public welfare, trying to help my friends, never complaining. this extraordinary personal charm made him not just a star, it is a noble artist, a memorable friend, a very respected person.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-06 16:23

那位comprehensiom 同学,你确定你翻译的是人家让你翻译的吗?怎么看都不像哎~
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