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英语作文:reusing things

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 04:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:22


从背景语入手,审清思路模式;从话题语入手,审清话题主旨;从启发语入手,审清写作重点;从强调语入手,审清写作要求。打开思路:联想(相似、相关、相对), 添加(、时间、地点+题目、 态度+题目、动词+ 目、题目十是什么、为什么+题目十会怎样、或事十题目。)。

reusing things:重用的事情

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest proct of the NOKIA.I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc.


Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.


First,it has the google authorized GPS software,which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air.Second,the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net.


This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos,listening to music,delivering pictures and so on.At last,the most essential,it's not expensive in comparison with its fellow procts.


So if you are considering to buy a new mobile phone and wondering which one to choose,I think this kind is an excellent choice.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:22

reusing things

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest proct of the NOKIA.I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc.
Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS software,which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air.Second,the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net.This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos,listening to music,delivering pictures and so on.At last,the most essential,it's not expensive in comparison with its fellow procts.
So if you are considering to buy a new mobile phone and wondering which one to choose,I think this kind is an excellent choice.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 18:23

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest proct of the NOKIA.I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc.
Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS software,which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air.Second,the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net.This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos,listening to music,delivering pictures and so on.At last,the most essential,it's not expensive in comparison with its fellow procts.
So if you are considering to buy a new mobile phone and wondering which one to choose,I think this kind is an excellent choice.
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