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求翻译 专业英语方面的

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-21 01:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 21:39

The current society's information advancement unceasingly accelerates,the multimedia technical development has attracted more and more manyattention, took important branch, in the pronunciation compressiontechnology people's social life is acting the increasingly importantrole, the people studied various compression code algorithm, will behow more scientific carries on gathering and the compression code tothe pronunciation signal becomes the pronunciation research area animportant topic.
On the other hand, along with the digital memory technologydevelopment, the large capacity storage device is flooding theelectronic application aspects. Regarding inserts the type system tosay, function enhancement, also needs the large capacity storagedevice to make the strut. The SD card is one kind of facile largecapacity storage device. Its easy to operate, work stable, may forinsert the type system to provide the large capacity data storage toexpand, causes the system the application nimbly, the function is moreformidable. This article mainly introced how uses insults positivetechnical SPCE061A primarily to control the chip, uses the SD cardmemory to take the storage medium, realization longer timepronunciation signal transcribing and the broadcast function.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 21:39

The current society's information advancement unceasingly accelerates,the multimedia technical development has attracted more and more manyattention, took important branch, in the pronunciation compressiontechnology people's social life is acting the increasingly importantrole, the people studied various compression code algorithm, will behow more scientific carries on gathering and the compression code tothe pronunciation signal becomes the pronunciation research area animportant topic.
On the other hand, along with the digital memory technologydevelopment, the large capacity storage device is flooding theelectronic application aspects. Regarding inserts the type system tosay, function enhancement, also needs the large capacity storagedevice to make the strut. The SD card is one kind of facile largecapacity storage device. Its easy to operate, work stable, may forinsert the type system to provide the large capacity data storage toexpand, causes the system the application nimbly, the function is moreformidable. This article mainly introced how uses insults positivetechnical SPCE061A primarily to control the chip, uses the SD cardmemory to take the storage medium, realization longer timepronunciation signal transcribing and the broadcast function.
回答者:◇工藤新一◇ - 举人 四级 12-2
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