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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-21 13:20




1 shirts/white 2 coats/grey 3 tickets/yellow 4 suits/blue 5 hats/black and grey 6 passports/green 7 umbrellas/black 8 handbags/white 9 ties/orange 10 dogs/brown and white 11 pens/blue 12 cars/red 答案: Lesson 16 A 1 It is an English car. 2 It is a Japanese car. 3 It is an...


8 Yes, and she will sweep the floor tomorrow, too.参考资料:新概念英语.自学导读1


Written exercises 书面练习 A Write responses using some or one.模仿例句写出对应的回答,选用some或one。Examples:Have some coffee. I've already had some.Have a banana. I've already had one.1 Have some beer.2 Have an apple.3 Have a peach.4 Have some milk.5 Have a glass of...


She told him the truth last night.累死我了~~这是我一个字母一个字母敲出来的……有些错误我可能没看见你写的时候仔细看看就好。闲人勿转载!!参考资料:我自己

新概念英语第一册练习册 119---120答案

答案:Lesson 120 A 1 He dropped the vase after he had taken it into the living room.2 He bought another car after he had sold his old one.3 He swept the floor after he had dusted everything.4 She drank the milk after she had boiled it.5 He turned off the television ...

新概念英语第一册课后练习答案 86课的A.B部分答案

Written exercises 书面练习 A Look at these two sentences.注意以下两个例句。She has already aired the room.She aired it this morning.In which of these sentences can we put has?在下面的句子中有一般过去时和现在完成时两种不同的时态。选出现在完成时的句子,并填上has。1 She ___ jus...


(1)生长;成长:His hair has grown too long.他的头发长得太长了。The trees have grown rapidly.树木生长得快。(2)使生长;留(须发):He grew a beard during the trip.他在旅行时留了胡子。We grew a lot of roses in our garden.我们在自己的花园里种植了大量的玫瑰花。练习答案 ...


新概念英语第一册课后书面练习题及答案129-130 Written exercises 书面练习 A Complete these sentences using had to or must have been.完成以下句子,用had to或must have been填空。Example:He is very tired because he had to get up early this morning.He didn't get up early this ...


1.Yes,it is hers.It belong to her.2.Yes,they are theirs.They belong to them.3.Yes,it is mine.It belong to me.4.Yes,They are hers.It belong to her.5.Yes,it is yours.It belong to you.6.Yes,it is his.It belong to him.7.Yes,they are him and hers.They belong ...


答案:Lesson 52 A 1 We come from Germany, but Dimitri comes from Greece.2 I like cold weather, but he likes warm weather.3 He comes from the U.S., but she comes from England.4 She doesn't like the winter, but she likes the summer.5 I come from Norway, but you come...

越南 老挝 柬埔寨 最需要什么物品 外贸 一般外贸是出口什么物品比较多? 狗狗毛上有白色的皮屑 脸上皮肤干燥怎么办 缺乏什么维生素 最近脸上干燥起皮,有什么好办法吗 脸上干燥用什么可以补水 牛皮皮鞋日常怎样保养? 上海屹尧的微波消解仪价格怎么样? 网络上说的qy是什么意思?qym又是什么意思 木命的人起名字带什么部首,命里缺木缺金的女孩名字 at+my+cake+look连词成句? 饿了么差评内容有哪些违规行为呢 在keep里怎么记录跑步 ...用燃气热水器是什么原因,北方可以用燃气热水器么?如天津 那个流量卡信号好稳定 四级考试作文题目是什么意思 ...A10 7890K的主机 这个是CPU最高能配什么显卡 什么样的比较合适_百度... 惠普打印机打印时黑墨出不来 广东有没有造纸厂收竹片? 手机关机了怎么找回啊? 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信... 我喝了减肥咖啡有半个月了就愿打饱嗝脖子才得劲怎么办 众多非一是指什么生肖动物 家庭教师彭格列1世叫什么 tcl空调和慕系列贵吗 买手机入网检测用身份证登的 可是手机丢了会不会有什么危险存在? 战地1全屏快捷键ctrl加什么 中二节奏蜘蛛丝是哪个地图 一个能在两个手机同时登陆吗? 吃辣的长痘怎么办 有机肥在农业生产中的作用 形容柳絮纷飞的唯美句子描写柳絮纷飞的优美语段 Look at my arm这几个单词怎么连词成句? 柳絮纷飞的优美句子 柳絮的描写句子 ...而且总听到同学们议论班上哪些同学的胸大,我总是中枪,觉得尴尬... 如何描写柳絮的句子 我在QQ上看到的广告谁知道这是哪一本 错嫁替婚总裁小说最后男主角和女主角怎么了? 太阳花钻戒寓意是什么? secx等于arccosx吗 为什么在番茄小说上看到的文章跟百度的内容不一样 中国铁路南宁局集团有限公司南宁货运中心董事长是什么行政级别 罗汉果泡水的正确方法 怎么泡好 怎么恢复误删的视频 柳州属于哪个铁路局 水培绿豆盆栽怎么种 柳州局南宁局是管辖广西的吗? 享堂是什么意思 iphone花屏怎么弄出来怎么办