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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-22 17:10



热心网友 时间:2024-02-25 05:54

1.《Love 》爱情

He typed 50 words,Then he deleted it.He typed a joke,Then he deleted it.He typed the latest news.Then he deleted it.Finally he typed “Hello” and send it out.“He’s such a boring person.”The girl at the other side of the phone complained.


She saw scars and bruises on her body.Tears fell on the wounds.This wasn’t the 1st time he abused and hit her.She decided to end life.Took a knife and went to the bedroom.She came outside with blood all over her face,But this is the 1st time it wasn’t her blood.


He was invited to her wedding,as an old best friend.But she’d never knownHow many times he’d practiced taking her awayEver since he got the invitationJust as he’d never noticedthe tiny handwriting on the invitation’s edge.It said “Let’s escape.”


He awoke to an old photo,Fade by the tears of sleepless nights.He made breakfast for two.He pulled her shoes out and left it in the entrance before he left.He went back,Having to clean up everything.That’s okay.As long as she was with him.

5.《Love and Hate》爱与恨

Let’s exchange dads.My dad says he loves me very much,But he never buys me anything I need.My dad buys me everything I need,But he says he hates me very much.So, let’s exchange indeed.


"Dad, what is sex?""Hmmm….""Well what is it?""Err, you know, when a man and a woman fall in love and get married and they wanna have a baby and …….""Dad, cut the long story. I just need to fill up this form. SEX : Male of Female.""Ohhh… That … It’s male."

7.《Mother’s worry 》妈妈的担忧

"Eat garlic before your blind date!""No! The girl will dislike my breathe mixing the garlic smell.""No, the garlic price skyrocketed recently. Without garlic smell, she may suspect the BMW you are driving is borrowed."

8.《His flip side》他的另一面

She discovered a lipstick in his car.“He is seeing another woman.”She thought.He saw her discovering of the lipstick.“Little does she knows that the lipstick belongs to me.”He thought.


1000 followers in Mircoblog,500 friends on Wechat,200 contacts in cell phone,Yet, just one waited outside the ICU.The one she had unfriended and blocked.


I always hate to spend time with others when I can be alone.I always hate to walk along the street aimlessly.I always hate to have to keep track of someone.I always hate to share inner fellings.But if it’s you, everything seems perfectly wonderful.

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